To the left is my oldest daughter. This year she decided to make her own costume. In case you can't tell, she's a "ceiling fan" :-) She's so much fun, and I wish I'd had half her spunk when I was her age.
This weekend we've been enjoying Fall Fun - scarecrow festivals, costume contests, Halloween dances, and more Fall fun coming tomorrow (you can see more photos on some of my social media sites.)
I'm curious how you're spending this haunting time and cooler temperatures. If you're not sure how to get into the spirit of the season, I recommend trying something new like "Black Cat Magazine". I've also suggested these hauntingly fun reads.
If you're looking for something a little lighter, try my romantic Halloween short story (about 800 words): Madame Tooshkas Spell.
What scary reads do you recommend?
She looks like she's a bundle of energy.
We don't do much for Halloween but we are enjoying the cooler temperatures.
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