"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney
Friday, December 30, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Merry Christmas!
I won't be online much for the next two weeks as we'll be enjoying some family and holiday fun. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 12, 2016
The Watchers
Flood and Fire (Book #3 of The Watchers Series) by Deirdra Eden
Release Day Special: Buy 1 book get 3 FREE (Details below)
About the Book
About The Author
Deirdra Eden has spent the last decade captivating audiences of all ages with her Amazon Bestselling novels and fairy tales. Her specialty is paranormal theology that delves into documented historical phenomenon and natural disasters of biblical proportions that entices indulgence of a fine line between fact and fantasy.
Deirdra enjoys jousting in arenas, sword fighting and archery, planning invasions, horseback riding through open meadows, swimming in the ocean, hiking up mountains, camping in cool shady woods, climbing trees barefoot, and going on adventures with her family.
Connect with Deirdra and The Watchers
Buy Flood and Fire on Amazon on December 14, 2016 and get 3 FREE ebooks! Just email a copy of your order to edenliterary@gmail.com and they'll send you 5 free ebooks.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Unwritten Melody: Q&A With Tessa Hall
Does breaking
free require breaking the rules?
Cassie Gilbert lives every day in the
shadows of her deceased mom’s rebellion. But now that she’s seventeen, she
finds herself longing to break away from her grandmother’s suffocating rules,
experience what it’s like to be a regular teenager, and fulfill her songwriting
James Russo, former American Spotlight contestant, escapes to small town Willow Creek,
SC hoping to flee from his tarnished past. When a school project pairs him with
the shy principal’s granddaughter, he’s determined to get to know this
Emily-Dickinson-obsessed and typewriter-using girl. His plan? Convince Cassie
to co-write songs for his demo album.
As Cassie gets to know James over “project
meetings” (more like opportunities to match her lyrics with his melodies), she
becomes intrigued by his sense of adventure and contagious passion for music.
But soon, his past becomes exposed. Cassie’s left to wonder—did she make the
same mistake Mom did by falling for the bad boy?
Then, Grandma’s control pushes her over
the edge. Cassie must choose between remaining in the chains of yesterday, or
delving into her own freedom by completing the melody her mom left behind.
Tessa Emily Hall writes inspirational yet authentic YA fiction to show others they’re not alone—and because she remembers the teen life like it was yesterday (or a few years ago). The debut novel she wrote at 16-years-old, PURPLE MOON (Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas) was a Selah 2014 Finalist. Her second novel, UNWRITTEN MELODY, released with Clean Reads November 2016. She’s the Founder of PursueMagazine.net, a magazine that inspires teens to embrace their calling. She also enjoys helping writers achieve their dreams through her internship at Hartline Literary Agency.
What was the inspiration behind Unwritten Melody? I loved the idea of having a songwriter (Cassie)
mesh her lyrics together with a musician (James), and for the pieces to fit
together like a puzzle—almost as though the lyrics and songs were created for
each another. I also knew that I wanted to somehow incorporate the
life and poetry of Emily Dickinson into the novel. I first learned about this poet in my 8th grade English class. I
remember becoming fascinated – not only with her works, but also with the
unique story of her life. After I brainstormed the premise to Unwritten Melody, I knew Cassie’s own
life would shadow perfectly that of Dickinson’s and highlight the book’s theme
in the process.
What is the message you hope
readers will grasp after reading Unwritten
Melody? It’s my hope that, through any book that I write,
readers will realize they are not alone in their life’s journey – in the
questions they wrestle with, emotions they deal with, situations they
experience, etc. And hopefully, through following the journey that my
characters take, readers can find a solution for their own problems as well. I specifically hope readers will come away with Unwritten Melody with newfound hope for
their current circumstances and a deeper revelation of the power of God’s
unending love.
Could you give a brief overview
of the writing and publication process behind Unwritten Melody? I brainstormed the plot when I was
seventeen-years-old—the spring of 2011. I was working on my debut novel, Purple Moon at the time, so I filed the
idea away until I could have dedicated time to focus on it. Finally, I wrote
the first draft when I was eighteen and working on the edits to Purple Moon. That draft continued to
develop and transform as I went through the editing/revision process for over a
year. When I was twenty-one, my agent sent me a long edit
letter, detailing the major areas that needed to be fixed in the plot. I was
extremely grateful for the feedback—yet at the same time, a part of me was
discouraged, because it would require a great deal of “book surgery” to fix the
errors in the plot. That was a lot to take on, especially after I’d already
spent over a year in edits. So, I stepped away from the book and poured my
energy into another project. Yet the story didn’t let me avoid it for long. I
knew that the book didn’t exactly match the original story that was first laid
on my heart several years before, and I was determined to make that happen. To make a long story short—I spent the fall of 2015
applying my agent’s suggestions and rewriting the entire book from scratch. It
still has the same characters, premise, and setting, but now the novel matches
the original novel I had first brainstormed when I was seventeen. The book went on submission to publishers winter
2016. One day in May, while I was packing to leave for a writer’s conference, I
received a phone call from my literary agent with the great news—Clean Reads
had offered a contract. J (I knew they were considering it because they had
requested the manuscript about a month before.) The moral of the story? Never give up on the story
of your heart!
What’s next in your writing
journey? I’m currently working on the sequel to Purple Moon (which has been another
lengthy project) and hope to finish it by winter 2016. I’ve also been working
on a teen devotional that I’m really excited about! After that? Well, I hope to continue writing
inspirational and authentic novels for teens and possibly write another
installment in the Purple Moon
series. I don’t see myself switching genres any time soon! But I do hope to
delve more into non-fiction as well. Although God is the
Ultimate Author of my future, I always ask Him to give me the desires He wants
me to have. Right now, my burning desire is this: To write books that transform
lives—stories that portray the power of God’s steadfast love and His unending
What advice would you like to
give aspiring authors? First of all, stay fueled with a passion for writing. Build your
writing journey on a foundation that consists of a love for both reading and
writing. Write because you can’t not write, because honestly, if you don’t
begin with this kind of passion, then it’s going to be far too tempting to quit
when the discouragement comes. (Notice that I said when, not if!)
It’s important to also find the time to write and stay disciplined with your
writing time because perseverance is the only way you’ll produce an actual
book. Then, learn as much about the craft and industry as you can through
blogs, books, workshops, and conferences. Apply what you learn to your
manuscript. Network with other writers on blogs, social
media, critique groups, and at writing conferences. Keep a teachable spirit.
Remember that, no matter how naturally gifted you may be in writing, every
writer could use improvement to grow. Finally, create long-term and short-term goals
for your writing journey. I’ve met so many writers who never pursued their
writing dreams because, A) They didn’t push themselves to finish a book, B)
They gave up too soon, C) They didn’t learn how a book is published, therefore
never pursued publication and believed that “being an author” was an impossible
achievement. I love to mentor young writers through my course, Write Now. You
can find more info about this 3-month program at this link: http://www.tessaemilyhall.com/teen-creative-writing-mentorship
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
IWSG: Five Years From Now
It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs. You can also join us on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG, or on the Facebook page.
Now, IWSG hosts have changed up the format in an effort to make it more fun and interactive.Every month, they will announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Don’t forget to visit others that day to see their answers. Want to join, or learn more? Visit our - Sign-up List.
DECEMBER'S QUESTION: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?
MY ANSWER: I hope to have both written and published more frequently, and widely. To achieve this goal, I will push myself to increase my daily word count. I will also take the great Bradbury's advice and in addition to my monthly assignments, I will write at least one short story a week (or seven flash fiction pieces). He says it's impossible to write 52 bad pieces in a row.
For more tips on setting goals, try reading:
Genius of Bradbury
Vonneguts 8 Rules
How to be a Writer by Ian Fleming
3 Tips to Becoming a Better Writer
Goal Setting
4 Keys to Publishing Success
5 Ways to Become a Better Writer by the End of the Year
How about you? What do you hope you've accomplished in five years?
Now, IWSG hosts have changed up the format in an effort to make it more fun and interactive.Every month, they will announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Don’t forget to visit others that day to see their answers. Want to join, or learn more? Visit our - Sign-up List.
DECEMBER'S QUESTION: In terms of your writing career, where do you see yourself five years from now, and what’s your plan to get there?
MY ANSWER: I hope to have both written and published more frequently, and widely. To achieve this goal, I will push myself to increase my daily word count. I will also take the great Bradbury's advice and in addition to my monthly assignments, I will write at least one short story a week (or seven flash fiction pieces). He says it's impossible to write 52 bad pieces in a row.
For more tips on setting goals, try reading:
Genius of Bradbury
Vonneguts 8 Rules
How to be a Writer by Ian Fleming
3 Tips to Becoming a Better Writer
Goal Setting
4 Keys to Publishing Success
5 Ways to Become a Better Writer by the End of the Year
How about you? What do you hope you've accomplished in five years?
Friday, November 25, 2016
5 Ways to Become a Better Writer by the End of the Year

New Learning Experience – If you take your writing seriously, then you are
trying to improve every year. One of the best ways to do so is to attend at
least one class or conference. I don’t count self help books , even those
written by the best professionals, in this accomplishment because you are
looking for interaction and feedback on your skills. You want to improve your
techniques, and the best way to do so is to identify your strong points and
strengthen your weak ones. If you’re on a budget like most of us, try a small
and local conference or course. Check with nearby writers group to see what
they may be offering. You can also search
the internet for a free online course or check to see what is available at your local
community college.
Two Good Beginnings – we’ve all
heard that you must hook your reader immediately. The best two ways to do so is
with your title and opening paragraph. Whether it’s an editor, publisher, or
average reader the rules are the same. If they lose interest in the first
couple of lines, it doesn’t matter how expertly written the rest of your work
is. So, spend as much time as necessary to craft an attention-grabbing title
and introduction.
Three Stories – we all have work,
family, and friends vying for our attention. However, the surest way to improve
your own writing is to study the craft of others. Even slow readers will be
able to read three short stories in the five weeks left of 2016. To keep your
interest, try a variety such as a new best seller, an old classic, and at least
one in the genre you are trying to publish. Science has revealed that reading
reduces stress and exercises your brain, both of which will aid your own
endeavors in craft.
Four Revisions – whether it’s the
two beginnings discussed above, or you’re attempting to complete an entire
piece, you should give it at least four good passes before you submit it. As
you read over your first draft, keep an eye out for errors. Use a proofreading
tool to identify potential problems quickly. Start the third revision after a
“cooling off” period. A break will allow your brain to reboot so you can look
at your work with a fresh eye. Ask a few outside parties to provide objective
feedback for the fourth revision.
Five Senses - Many writers focus
almost exclusively on what characters see and hear, but what about the other
senses? Truly effective writers must appeal to all five — sight, hearing,
taste, touch, and smell. This will aid in creating dynamic characters with an environment
that comes alive for the reader.
better is within your reach. It’s never too late to reach your goals, or
improve your techniques. I hope you are all able to finish the year feeling like a success!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Enter to Win 55+ Inspirational Historical Romances PLUS a Brand New Kindle Fire!

To celebrate November, more than 55 fantastic inspirational historical romance authors have teamed up to give away a huge collection of novels, PLUS a kindle fire to one luck winner!
You can win books by authors like Elizabeth Ludwig, Suzanne Woods Fisher, Karen Witemeyer, and Michelle Griep just to name a few.
Enter the giveaway by clicking here: bit.ly/historical-inspy
Good luck, and enjoy!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Bridge to Publication 2016
On Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending the 2016 "Bridge to Publication" writing conference in Lake Charles, Louisiana. A few take aways:
Quinn Loftis (YA Fantasy/Paranormal Author) - Self publishing is most definietely a viable option, but you have to be willing to do all the work. AND "Creativity breeds creativity" keep reading, but make sure it is quality material, not just the cheapest or easiest work to get your hands on.
Also, as a former nurse, she stresses the importance of exercise - "Your brain and body both need stimulation. It improves concentration and memory.
DiAnn Mills (Christion Fiction Author) - Always "Expect an Adventure". Your story must have passion, a strong character always has a problem to solve, and they must EARN the ending. If you need help fleshing out a character, try the Myers Briggs tests or www.humanmetrics.com
A great way to raise the tension is to make your setting as antagonistic as any character. She also suggests that you MUST show your hero or heroine facing a multitude of emotions.
Other great speakers included:
BJ Bourg – Mystery Author
Darrell Bourque – Professor Emeritus in English and Poet
Larry Gray – Playwright
Deborah LeBlanc – Mystery/Suspense Author
An interesting fact: presenters suggested that 80% of ALL readers are female, and that 60% of those women read romance.
Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. Writers conferences never fail to inspire me. How about you?
What have been some of your most memorable conference experiences?
Quinn Loftis (YA Fantasy/Paranormal Author) - Self publishing is most definietely a viable option, but you have to be willing to do all the work. AND "Creativity breeds creativity" keep reading, but make sure it is quality material, not just the cheapest or easiest work to get your hands on.
Also, as a former nurse, she stresses the importance of exercise - "Your brain and body both need stimulation. It improves concentration and memory.

A great way to raise the tension is to make your setting as antagonistic as any character. She also suggests that you MUST show your hero or heroine facing a multitude of emotions.

BJ Bourg – Mystery Author
Darrell Bourque – Professor Emeritus in English and Poet
Larry Gray – Playwright
Deborah LeBlanc – Mystery/Suspense Author
An interesting fact: presenters suggested that 80% of ALL readers are female, and that 60% of those women read romance.
Not a bad way to spend a Saturday. Writers conferences never fail to inspire me. How about you?
What have been some of your most memorable conference experiences?
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Election Day Reads

"Don't say you are not going to vote because you would only be voting for the lesser of two evils. Unless Jesus is on the ballot, you will ALWAYS be voting for the lesser of two evils!" - Rick Green
Rick Green visited our church Sunday and shared some interesting insights about our country. If you are curious, check out http://rickgreen.com/
If you'd like to see some fun election movie clips, or read how to choose wisely for your own manuscripts, then visit The Kill Zone.
If you're looking for a few election day short stories, then try Sleuth Sayers.
I hope you all have a wonderful election day!
Friday, November 4, 2016
Matowak Woman Who Cries - Tour and Giveaway
Hello and welcome to the Mâtowak Woman Who Cries book tour and giveaway!
A murder enveloped in pain and mystery...
Canada's retired Minister of National Defense, Leland Warner, is murdered in
his home, the case is handed to Corporal Danny Killian, an aboriginal man
tortured by his wife's unsolved murder.
The suspect,
60-year-old Sally Warner, still grieves for the loss of her two sons, dead in a
suicide/murder eighteen months earlier. Confused and damaged, she sees in
Corporal Killian a friend sympathetic to her grief and suffering and wants more
than anything to trust him.
finds himself with a difficult choice—indict his prime suspect, the dead
minister's horribly abused wife or find a way to protect her and risk demotion.
Or worse, transfer away from the scene of his wife’s murder and the guilt that
haunts him...
Woman Who Cries is available in eBook at the following sites:
The print copy is available at:
Joylene's father died in 1983, she wrote her first full–length manuscript to
channel her grief. The seven-year process left her hooked and she began Dead Witness within a few weeks of
finishing Always Father's Child. Today
Joylene is the author of three suspense novels: Dead Witness, Broken But Not Dead, and the steam-punk collaboration
Break Time. While she'll admit being
published didn't fix all the wrongs in her life, she wishes her parents had
lived to see her success. Dead Witness
was a finalist in the 2012 Global eBook Awards. Broken But Not Dead won the 2012 IPPY Silver Medal, and its sequel Mâtowak Woman Who Cries is due for
release November 1, 2016.
lives with her husband and their two cats Marbles and Shasta on beautiful
Cluculz Lake in central British Columbia. They spend their winters in Bucerias,
Nayarit, Mexico.
more on Joylene and her writing, visit her website and blog then connect with her
on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and her Amazon Author Page.
giveaway (US and INTL)
*This giveaway is for three (3) print copies that are
available to those living in the U.S. only and one (1) eBook copy available
international. To enter, please visit:
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
IWSG: Favorite Aspect of Being a Writer
It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs. You can also join us on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG, or on the Facebook page.
Now, IWSG hosts have changed up the format in an effort to make it more fun and interactive.Every month, they will announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Don’t forget to visit others that day to see their answers. Want to join, or learn more? Visit our - Sign-up List.
The November 2nd question - What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?
My Answer - There are two main joys for me in writing. First, for my nonfiction I get to travel and explore so many places and meet such interesting people. Then, I get to share those experiences with my readers. Secondly, for my fiction I get to become anyone I want and create any world or experience I want to enjoy. I hope my readers enjoy those just as much.
How about you? What do enjoy about being a writer?
Now, IWSG hosts have changed up the format in an effort to make it more fun and interactive.Every month, they will announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say.
Don’t forget to visit others that day to see their answers. Want to join, or learn more? Visit our - Sign-up List.
The November 2nd question - What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?
My Answer - There are two main joys for me in writing. First, for my nonfiction I get to travel and explore so many places and meet such interesting people. Then, I get to share those experiences with my readers. Secondly, for my fiction I get to become anyone I want and create any world or experience I want to enjoy. I hope my readers enjoy those just as much.
How about you? What do enjoy about being a writer?
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Madame Tooshka’s Spell
Thank you again to everyone who participated in my giveaways, or left reviews for my work. Your continued support means so much to me. As another thank-you in helping me to celebrate six years of blogging, and in response to requests to read more of my fiction, I am sharing the below story for Halloween. I would love to hear your thoughts - pros and cons. Thanks again!
Madame Tooshka’s Spell
Jack let out a huff as he rocked from one
foot to the other. How had he managed to get roped into chaperoning the school
Halloween dance? After a long week with the law firm, it was not his first choice
in how to spend a Saturday.
“You have
to come,” his twelve-year-old daughter Julie had gushed. “Ms. Mills says we
need five more parents to agree to chaperone or the school board won’t let us
have the dance.”
One round-eyed plea from his daughter could
convince him to do almost anything. He sighed. Those brown irises were perfect
replicas of her mom, but Julie had inherited his blonde locks. Ever since her
mom passed away three years before, he’d played the role of two parents,
something not easy to do with all of the hours he worked. There never seemed to
be enough time to spend with her which was another reason he was here now.
Jack watched Julie twirl past in her blue
princess dress, flanked closely by her friends the vampire, witch, and
He’d have thought the two hours at the Fall
Festival before the dance began would have been enough to wear them out, but
clearly not. Many a sixth grader would sleep soundly tonight after the sugar
He smiled to himself and watched his daughter
laughing in line at the snack tables with the same trio, now joined by another
princess, an angel, and Spider-Man. His baby was growing up too fast.
Jack let out another huff, frowned, and removed
his jacket. They really ought to crank the air conditioner a little higher,
maybe bring in a few fans.
“Here, you look like you could use one of
He turned to face a beautiful Gypsy. The long
multi-colored scarf wrapped around her brown hair sparkled in the strobe
lights. She offered a cold bottle of water.
“Thanks, you’re a life saver, Mrs...?
“Ms. Mills, better known as the Great Madame
Tooshka,” she added in a Russian
accent when he clasped her hand in greeting.
He laughed. “Yes, I saw your tent at the
fair. You had quite a line of kids waiting to see you.”
“That is because Madame Tooshka is best
fortune teller in the land.”
“Oh, really?”
“For instance, I know your name is Jack Brenaman
and you have daughter called Julie,” she sipped her drink before continuing
without the Russian accent, “and she will always be your princess, no matter
how big she grows.”
“Am I that obvious?”
“Only to someone with eyes.”
So, she had been watching him. Jack decided
he really liked her smile. He found it infectious, and for the first time he
found himself wondering about another woman. She’d said Ms., not Mrs.
“Do you have any children?” he asked.
“Yes, two hundred and seventeen of them at
the moment.” She smiled at the confusion on his face before explaining, “I’m
the school art teacher.”
He chuckled. “Oh, I meant of your own.”
“I know,” she smiled again. “The truth is I
feel like they are mine. I love my job.”
He thought that was the best thing she could
have said, until she added. “Of course, I can confide to you that Julie is a
Perhaps she was just being kind, but the way she
lovingly watched his daughter made him feel it was the truth. When she caught
him staring at her, she smiled again. Enchanting.
That was the only word he could think of to describe this woman. Am I ready to date again? Will Julie be
alright with it if I do?
Jack took a sip of his water and looked again
for his daughter. He tensed when he found her dancing with Captain America.
“Try to relax, Jack.” He felt a hand on his
arm, and turned to stare into emerald eyes. “Julie is a bright girl who won’t
tolerate any boy who might try to take advantage of her. Trust that you’re
raising a smart, beautiful, and strong young lady.”
“Do you always know exactly what to say?”
“Madame Tooshka know all,” she teased, once
again slipping into the accent.
“And does Madame Tooshka have a first name?”
“It’s Anna.”
There was that bewitching smile again. Jack
didn’t want the spell to break.
“Well, Anna, I’ll be taking Julie
trick-or-treating tomorrow night. Would you like to come with us?”
“I can’t. I’m expecting a lot of my students
to come trick-or treating at my house.”
“Of course.”
“But, maybe my house could be your last stop?
I can have spaghetti waiting on you two around eight?”
“Spaghetti is one of our favorites,” he felt
excitement bubbling inside. Madame Tooshka had cast her spell, and she might
just be the key to his future.
Monday, October 17, 2016
Winner and Bridge to Publication
First, congratulations to the winner of my blogoversary giveaway - David McCallum. You can check out the details of the giveaway here.
Secondly, I'd like to invite everyone to a wonderful and affordable conference:
November 12, 2016
BJ Bourg – Mystery Author
Darrell Bourque – Professor Emeritus in English and Poet
Larry Gray – Playwright
Deborah LeBlanc – Mystery/Suspense Author
Quinn Loftis – YA Fantasy/Paranormal Author
DiAnn Mills – Christion Fiction Author
Latoya C. Smith – Literary Agent with L. Perkins Agency
Secondly, I'd like to invite everyone to a wonderful and affordable conference:
A Bridge to Publication - 12th Annual Writing Conference
November 12, 2016
Central School
809 Kirby St
Lake Charles, LA
BWG Members – $40.
Nonmembers – $50.
Students with ID – $25.
E-Book Prime Sponsorship – $100. Includes 1(one) ticket, sponsor listing in registration packet and social media pages, and one entry into special door prize drawing.
Nonmembers – $50.
Students with ID – $25.
E-Book Prime Sponsorship – $100. Includes 1(one) ticket, sponsor listing in registration packet and social media pages, and one entry into special door prize drawing.
Doors open at 7 am
Conference – 7:55 am to 4:40 pm
Conference – 7:55 am to 4:40 pm
Lunch, Mardi Gras Chicken will be included for conference attendees.
*An agent will be on hand to hear pitches. Pitches – 10 minutes
*An agent will be on hand to hear pitches. Pitches – 10 minutes
Scheduled Speakers (for Bios – Click HERE)
BJ Bourg – Mystery Author
Darrell Bourque – Professor Emeritus in English and Poet
Larry Gray – Playwright
Deborah LeBlanc – Mystery/Suspense Author
Quinn Loftis – YA Fantasy/Paranormal Author
DiAnn Mills – Christion Fiction Author
Latoya C. Smith – Literary Agent with L. Perkins Agency
WorkshopsPrewriting Your Novel – by DiAnn Mills
Dateline BWG – BJ Bourg
Dateline BWG – BJ Bourg
Vendor Space for Conference Attendees and Non-attendeesAssigned 8 x 6 table space for rent. The program has time allotted for shopping throughout the day. Vendor must man (during shopping times) and provide own table, chair, table cloth, and change. Vendors that purchase this option will be emailed an assigned numbered space.
To learn more, or to register, visit: http://bayouwritersgroup.com/conferences_and_contests/a-bridge-to-publication-2016/
Friday, October 14, 2016
Coming Soon... Meditation
Only a couple of days left to enter my giveaway for free books and more. Check out the original post here.
I can hardly believe it's the middle of October already. Many of my friends are prepping for NaNoWriMo which begins in just two weeks. Are you participating? Not sure if you want to? Check out what best-selling indie author Glynis Smy says about the practice. And let me know...
I don't believe I will be taking part in the challenge this year. I have too many unfinished projects on my plate just now, and I'd really like to see them all to conclusion before 2016 slips away.
It's just so easy to become overwhelmed. This time of year, with holidays looming ahead, seems to be particularly frantic for many. In response to the coming stress, I thought I would share a poem I wrote years ago. Feel free to critique it, or add your own spin in the comments.
I can hardly believe it's the middle of October already. Many of my friends are prepping for NaNoWriMo which begins in just two weeks. Are you participating? Not sure if you want to? Check out what best-selling indie author Glynis Smy says about the practice. And let me know...
It's just so easy to become overwhelmed. This time of year, with holidays looming ahead, seems to be particularly frantic for many. In response to the coming stress, I thought I would share a poem I wrote years ago. Feel free to critique it, or add your own spin in the comments.
I float into a coveted deep meditation,
Self-awareness becomes all, a place to stay.
Seeking wholeness, bliss, an utter mindfulness,
Where all boundaries simply drop away.
Sky, earth and sea melt into the light,
As graceful spirits transform me in kind.
I behold, appreciate the calm and peace,
A tranquility soothing my spirit and mind.
Renewing, healing and elevating my soul,
Trusting and understanding what I should become.
In the silence I am closer to myself,
A soothing, free-flowing fountain of one.
Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Why?
Monday, October 10, 2016
Free Reads for Fall
This is the last week to enter my giveaway for free books and more. Check out the original post here.
Fall has finally reached our area. Cooler temperatures, orange decor, and pumpkin everything seems to be surrounding us. My kids of course love to dress up for Halloween and are anxiously picking out costumes.
Meanwhile, I'm revisiting some of my favorite tales of terror. Just now, I was reading my collection of Washington Irving. Love the headless horseman! Next, I may pick up a copy of The Picture of Dorian Gray or maybe even Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
If you prefer to stay home cuddled up with a good book instead of heading out for seasonal festivities, try one of my suggestions from 10 Scary Reads to Terrify Your Inner Child.
Interested in FREE scary books? Try one of these!
Need a last minute costume idea? Try one of these 10-Minute Lliterary Halloween Costumes and dress like your favorite characters.
How are you celebrating this season?
Fall has finally reached our area. Cooler temperatures, orange decor, and pumpkin everything seems to be surrounding us. My kids of course love to dress up for Halloween and are anxiously picking out costumes.

If you prefer to stay home cuddled up with a good book instead of heading out for seasonal festivities, try one of my suggestions from 10 Scary Reads to Terrify Your Inner Child.
Interested in FREE scary books? Try one of these!
Need a last minute costume idea? Try one of these 10-Minute Lliterary Halloween Costumes and dress like your favorite characters.
How are you celebrating this season?
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