"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney
Monday, December 29, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Merry Christmas
I am so very thankful for the gift of your friendship. The blogging community never ceases to amaze me with their willingness to befriend, share, and encourage. I hope you ALL have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Christmas Freebies
If you have the Amazon app, you can download some children's Christmas books for FREE. To learn more: http://www.amazon.com/iMarvel-Christmas-Story-Books-Free/dp/B0062NFLBM
The Barnes & Noble version: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christmas-story-books-free-imarvel/1107444333?ean=2940043866479
To download 25 of the best Christmas classics: http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/25-free-ebooks-for-christmas_b62275
Book One of James Patterson's "Christmas Wedding" can be found for free here: http://www.jamespatterson.com/books_christmasWedding.partOne.php#.VJXfVB0MA
Interested in more free books for kids? This site offers both holiday and other popular reads for free: http://www.kcedventures.com/blog/free-kids-holiday-and-christmas-books-online
Writers - a free ebook and chance to win a critique: http://writershelpingwriters.net/2014/12/thanks-whw-emotion-amplifiers-ebook-gift/ and other goodies: http://themarshallplan.net/freestuff.htm
What are you reading? Any recommendations?
The Barnes & Noble version: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christmas-story-books-free-imarvel/1107444333?ean=2940043866479
To download 25 of the best Christmas classics: http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/25-free-ebooks-for-christmas_b62275
Book One of James Patterson's "Christmas Wedding" can be found for free here: http://www.jamespatterson.com/books_christmasWedding.partOne.php#.VJXfVB0MA
Interested in more free books for kids? This site offers both holiday and other popular reads for free: http://www.kcedventures.com/blog/free-kids-holiday-and-christmas-books-online
Writers - a free ebook and chance to win a critique: http://writershelpingwriters.net/2014/12/thanks-whw-emotion-amplifiers-ebook-gift/ and other goodies: http://themarshallplan.net/freestuff.htm
What are you reading? Any recommendations?
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Love Unexpected (Beacons of Hope) by Jody Hedlund
*Sigh* I
always enjoy opening a new Jody Hedlund book, and I always hate finishing them.
Each time I read one of her novels I feel she can’t possibly top the tale.
However, she never fails to make me fall in love with another main character. Her
skill as an author and her devotion to the Lord become more apparent with each
publication. My only complaint is that I have to wait three more months for another
of her new releases. If you enjoy Christian romance, you must pick up Love Unexpected.
Set in 1859 - Presque Isle, Michigan
What Is the Secret That Could Shipwreck Both of Their Lives?
All Emma Chambers ever wanted was a home, but when her steamboat sinks just outside Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no place to stay.
An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. He's just lost his wife and is having a difficult time caring for his child. So a traveling preacher gets the idea that the keeper and Emma might be the answer to each other's dilemma. After a hasty marriage, she finds herself heading to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger. Nothing in her aimless life, though, has prepared her for parenting a rambunctious toddler, as well as managing a household.
Emma soon suspects Patrick may be hiding something from her, and then she hears a disturbing rumor about the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death. It seems as if her wish for a home and family of her own could end up leading her once more into turbulent waters.
Not sure you want to spend the money to try a new
author? You can still download her novella Out
of the Storm for FREE!

What Is the Secret That Could Shipwreck Both of Their Lives?
All Emma Chambers ever wanted was a home, but when her steamboat sinks just outside Presque Isle, she's left destitute and with no place to stay.
An unlikely solution arises when the lighthouse keeper arrives in town. He's just lost his wife and is having a difficult time caring for his child. So a traveling preacher gets the idea that the keeper and Emma might be the answer to each other's dilemma. After a hasty marriage, she finds herself heading to the lighthouse with this handsome but quiet stranger. Nothing in her aimless life, though, has prepared her for parenting a rambunctious toddler, as well as managing a household.
Emma soon suspects Patrick may be hiding something from her, and then she hears a disturbing rumor about the circumstances surrounding his late wife's death. It seems as if her wish for a home and family of her own could end up leading her once more into turbulent waters.
Uncertain Choice, Hedlund’s first YA novel, will release
in March. Hearts Made Whole, the
second in her Beacons of Hope series,
will release in June.
To learn more about this amazing author, you can
visit her website: http://jodyhedlund.com/
Interested in becoming a writer? Check out her very informative blog: http://jodyhedlund.blogspot.com/
books have you enjoyed this year? I’m looking for a great nonfiction read – any
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Last Submission Opportunities for 2014
ESSAY MAMA CHRISTMAS WRITING AWARD http://www.essaymama.com/blog/essaymamas-christmas-writing-contest/
NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 25, 2014. The 15 best works will be added to
the printed "Best EssayMama's Stories: Christmas Edition" book and
published on the best resources for writers. $330 will be given to each of the
top three writers. Limit one story. Limit 4,000 words. Topic Christmas.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Time to Thrive This title deliberately has a double meaning: 1) You need to
make time in your busy life to thrive; and 2) It's time to thrive-no more
putting off those life changes you know you should make. If you have a story
about taking time to thrive, i.e. pursue a passion, find your purpose, improve
your wellbeing, or if you realized it was time to thrive and you did something
about it, we want to hear from you. Were you stuck in the same old routine for
years? Did you feel that your life had no purpose? What did you do to transform
yourself and create balance and meaning in your life? Did you start a
completely new career, have a travel adventure or find a new hobby? Was it a
new love interest or an attitude adjustment that helped you thrive? We want to
hear your stories. Stories can be serious or funny, but we definitely want them
to inspire our readers to take that first step towards happiness, fulfillment,
and growth. The deadline for story and poem submissions is December 31, 2014. http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Support for Therapists/Mental Health Professionals Therapists and mental health counselors listen to people's
problems all day. But where's the "chicken soup for the soul" for
them? Who supports the therapists and mental health professionals? We’re
looking for stories from therapists and mental health professionals about how
you get through your day. How do you separate your clients' pain from your own
life? Share your advice and support with your colleagues. And if you have been
client of one of these fine professionals and you want to tell them how much they
helped you, for moral support, please submit your story as well. The deadline
for story and poem submissions is December 31, 2014. http://www.chickensoup.com/story-submissions/possible-book-topics
NIGHTLIGHT READING WRITERS CONTEST http://www.nightlightreading.org/writing-contest/ NO
ENTRY FEE. Geared to at-risk boys in the 10-12 year age group who often stop
reading for pleasure. Nightlight Reading's goal is to fund and promote
literature that appeals to boys and keeps them engaged and reading. Short
stories limited to 5,000 words. Theme is Adventure. Deadline December 31, 2015.
First Prize: $1,000 award plus certificate and publication of the story. Second
Prize: $500 award plus certificate and publication of the story. Third Prize:
$300 award plus certificate and publication of the story.
What opportunities do you see in the next few weeks?
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Writing for Small Markets
Wow, can you believe Christmas is only two weeks away? I have my house decorated, but I've barely begun my Christmas shopping! I'm a little sad about the whole thing because we usually have a LARGE family get-together at my grandmothers house on Christmas Eve. Unfortunately, she passed and no one seems interested in the gathering without her. I guess we will just have a small celebration with my immediate family. I count myself lucky to have hubby and two small angels with which to enjoy the holiday.
Today I am guest posting at the "Insecure Writer's Support Group" blog. My article on writing for small markets can be found here. If you have a moment, please stop by. You can also download their "Guide to Publishing and Beyond" for FREE. For more information on the free ebook read here.
Are you busy making plans for the holiday? Are you still writing, or is that on hold for you at the moment?
Today I am guest posting at the "Insecure Writer's Support Group" blog. My article on writing for small markets can be found here. If you have a moment, please stop by. You can also download their "Guide to Publishing and Beyond" for FREE. For more information on the free ebook read here.
Are you busy making plans for the holiday? Are you still writing, or is that on hold for you at the moment?
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Writing in Obedience

The authors of this book (one agent and one editor) discuss the differences in being called to write for Him, and writing as an "offering" to the Lord. Sections include pointers in writing for different audiences, structuring your story correctly, and getting the manuscript published.
This book briefly reviews what we want to achieve with our writing, and discusses how we define success.
About the Authors
Terry Burns has been with the Hartline Literary agency for ten years, more than five years as an agent, and has a substantial list of clients, a growing list of credits, and a reputation for presenting to conferences all over the country. Terry comes from a writing background, has over forty books of his own in print, most recently adapting a Christian movie script to print for the movie Footprints, a Young Adult novel entitled Beyond the Smoke, which won the Will Rogers Medallion, the three book Mysterious Ways series from David C. Cook, and a book on the skills needed to get published entitled A Writer s Survival Guide to Getting Published that was developed out of the month long course he held for the American Christian Fiction Writers. A bookstore of his available works as well as a periodic blog can be found at terryburns(dot)net. Terry has a BA from West Texas A & M and did graduate work at Southern Methodist University. He's a member of the Association of Author s Representatives (AAR).
Linda W. Yezak holds a BA in English, a graduate certificate in Paralegal Studies, and a bucket list as long as her arm. Among the things on the list is owning a stable full of horses, and since that s not likely to happen any time soon, she includes horses in each of her novels, from her contemporary western romance, Give the Lady a Ride, published in 2011, and her current work, The Cat Lady s Secret, under contract to Harbourlight Books, to her works-in-progress. Linda has been a freelance editor for several years and is a speaker for writers groups and conferences in the Ark-La-Tex-OK region. Until the day she can retire with her husband to their land in Central Texas and ride to her heart's content, she'll continue with her writing and editing careers.
Linda W. Yezak holds a BA in English, a graduate certificate in Paralegal Studies, and a bucket list as long as her arm. Among the things on the list is owning a stable full of horses, and since that s not likely to happen any time soon, she includes horses in each of her novels, from her contemporary western romance, Give the Lady a Ride, published in 2011, and her current work, The Cat Lady s Secret, under contract to Harbourlight Books, to her works-in-progress. Linda has been a freelance editor for several years and is a speaker for writers groups and conferences in the Ark-La-Tex-OK region. Until the day she can retire with her husband to their land in Central Texas and ride to her heart's content, she'll continue with her writing and editing careers.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
NaWriMo Winners and a FREEBIE for Everyone!
Congratulations winners! Below is a list of winners of my NaWriMo challenge. If your name was drawn, simply email me three or four selections from the prizes (visit http://www.writinginwonderland.blogspot.com/2014/10/nawrimo-my-challenge-to-all-writers-and.html to find a complete list). REMEMBER: this is first come, first served. If there are any prizes left, I will choose more names later.

Texas Gulf Coast Writers
John Harp
Crystal B
Bayou Writers Group
The Silver Fox
AND FOR EVERYONE: A FREE DOWNLOAD! The Insecure Writer’s Support Group Guide to Publishing and Beyond is available for download. It is packed with information, and I have an article included in the marketing section. Please help us spread the word about this awesome book.
Tapping into the expertise of over a hundred talented authors from around the globe, "The IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond" contains something for every writer. Whether you are starting out and need tips on the craft of writing, looking for encouragement as an already established author, taking the plunge into self-publishing, or seeking innovative ways to market and promote your work, this guide is a useful tool. Compiled into three key areas of writing, publishing, and marketing, this valuable resource offers inspirational articles, helpful anecdotes, and excellent advice on the do's and don'ts that we all wish we knew when we first started out on this writing journey.
ISBN 9781939844088
235 pages, FREE
IWSG sites – website, Facebook, and Facebook Critique Circle
Find the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Goodreads.
Monday, December 1, 2014
NaWriMo Wrap-Up: The Memoir Project
Thank you to everyone who participated in my NaWriMo challenge! Those of you following my own journey this month know that I started strong, but didn't finish due to illnesses. I didn't even try to add anything this weekend. My youngest was finally well enough for some activity, so we unpacked our Christmas decorations, spent time with church and family, and went out to eat. It was a great weekend after the virus scare a week ago.
While I haven't added a lot to my word count in the last ten days, I have still been thinking about the story. I've let it gestate in the back of my mind. I haven't done ANY editing, but I have thought a lot about the direction I want to take the story now.
I also spent some time reading The Memoir Project: A Thoroughly Non-Standardized Text For Writing & Life by Marion Roach Smith. This is a short book (about 112 pages) that I received as a door prize at a writer's conference earlier in the month. I enjoyed this quick read. Smith's take on writing in refreshingly honest and open. In this text she decries writing exercises, claiming only purpose-filled writing is a useful way to spend your time. I found her analysis and examples extremely insightful, and I hope you'll consider taking a look if you plan to write ANY type of nonfiction.
Later this week I will be announcing the winners of my challenge. Random.org will pick a few winners from the commenters, and they can email me their selections.
How did your project turn out? Read any good books lately?

I also spent some time reading The Memoir Project: A Thoroughly Non-Standardized Text For Writing & Life by Marion Roach Smith. This is a short book (about 112 pages) that I received as a door prize at a writer's conference earlier in the month. I enjoyed this quick read. Smith's take on writing in refreshingly honest and open. In this text she decries writing exercises, claiming only purpose-filled writing is a useful way to spend your time. I found her analysis and examples extremely insightful, and I hope you'll consider taking a look if you plan to write ANY type of nonfiction.
Later this week I will be announcing the winners of my challenge. Random.org will pick a few winners from the commenters, and they can email me their selections.
How did your project turn out? Read any good books lately?
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