Thought for the day: “Do not hesitate to give your hero lusts of the flesh, dark passions, impulses to evil; for these dark powers, fused with their opposites – the will to good, the moral impulses, the powers of the spirit – will do to your character precisely what the opposite powers of fire and water do to the sword blade." - William Foster-Harris
Happy writing and best of luck winning one of the giveaways!
Good thought by Foster-Harris. Contrasts and struggles make for good story content.
Hey, Sylvia. Hope you're feeling better today.
I just posted about your give away on my blog Lorelei's Muse (http://loreleismuse-lorelei.blogspot.com )
I will have tweeted this, and then posted it over on my facebook (you can check both out, my facebook badge is on my blog, and my tweet is @loreleibell
I think I did this right (;
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