"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney

Monday, January 27, 2025

Weather Days: Reading, Writing, and Submitting

We've been enjoying some unexpected weather in southeast Texas lately: snow. While it's normal for us to get sleet and ice in the winter months, we only see snow every few years. Even then, it usually melts as it lands or at the most you might get a few pockets of an inch or so that melts withing a few hours. This past week, however, we received six to seven inches that coated our neighborhoods for several days. 

Unfortunately, because it is such a rare occurrence here, no one knows how to cope. Literally, everything closed down for a few days including schools and most businesses. Officials advised people to stay home and not drive if possible. Many didn't listen and there was an abundance of wrecks in our area including overturned vehicles in ditches, pileups on the interstate, and in a couple of cases people driving into buildings (at least one restaurant and one home in separate incidents).

I was lucky. I enjoyed a couple of extra days off to stay home, play in the snow with my family, snuggle with my dog, and enjoy some extra reading and writing time. It felt like a blessing to me.

As a result, I found a dozen writing opportunities I thought I would share:

1. BEAUTIFUL TRAGEDIES 4 - Hellbound books' anthology of dark poetryA Dark Poetry Anthology project now accepting submissions for an anti-romance poetry anthology. Give us your darkest nights, your most pain- filled and heart wrenching moments in prose. Deadline: when full. For more information, click here.

2.- 6. Road Kill: Texas Horror by Texas Writers, Vol. 10. - is looking for original horror stories 1,500-10,000 words in length. This is one of six different anthologies this publisher is currently open to submissions. Deadline: May 1 2025 (BEGINS FEB 1 2025). For more information, click here.

7. hotpoet has launched Equinox, a biannual digital multimedia journal that showcases poets, writers, and artists. We invite you to send us your poems, flash fiction, flash essay, photography, and art. We look for contemplative, argumentative, globally aware, despair-resistant, and apathy-abolishing works. Deadline Feb. 18. For more information, click here.

8. - 12. Grapevine - Fort Worth, Texas "Quicksilver Poetry Festival" on March 29. This group is also open to multiple submission and contest opportunities. To learn more, click here.

How about you? Have you been enjoying any unusual weather? Have you read an excellent book lately that you'd like to recommend? Have you found any great submission opportunities?


Natalie Aguirre said...

Yes, six inches of snow is like a blizzard in Texas. I'm glad you got to stay in. It was bitter cold in Michigan--like 10 degree high for a few days. I stayed home too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

When people don't know how to drive in it, best to stay home. I grew up in an area that it snowed often so we just went.

Leigh Caron said...

I lived in the Midwest and every year we had snow days. Sometimes there were blizzards. The city would tell people to stay off the road. Having stocked up on everything the day before, I'd hunker down and enjoy these times. Here in Mexico when there's a tropical storm, it almost feels the same. Just hotter.