If you are joining me for the first time from the
IWSG, thank you for visiting. I look forward to returning the favor, and
sharing with you.
Curious about what goals other writers are setting
or suggesting? Try some ideas by one of my favorite authors Jody Hedlund: http://jodyhedlund.blogspot.com/2015/01/15-ways-to-find-writing-inspiration-in.html
I’m still setting my own goals for the year - trying to
decide what should stay, what might be a waste of my time, and where I might
learn the most. One book has recently helped me to adapt a more positive
attitude. You Can, You Will: 8 Undeniable Qualities of a Winner.

Practical and inspiring, this book can be a balm to any wounded spirit. The anecdotes and true tales shared here are
meant to encourage you toward eight qualities: Keep Your Vision in Front of You, Run Your Race, Expect
Good Things, Have a Positive Mind Set, Commit to Excellence, Keep Growing, Serve
Others, and Stay Passionate.
I highly
recommend this book to anyone looking to improve their attitude, circumstances,
or productivity.
If you’d like to read more encouragement from other
writers, I suggest a copy of the FREE ebook “The Insecure Writer’s
Support Group: Publishing and Beyond”. More than 100 authors (including myself)
have contributed their ideas to this anthology which can be downloaded for FREE
from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, Goodreads.
This month I also published an interview of Ashley
Weaver in Southern Writer’s magazine.
Her first novel just earned her a FOUR book contract!
You can also read my article on Introducing Your Child to Coin Collecting.
No matter what you are working to achieve, goals can be an important part of your life. Set five and see how this simple act can lead to your happiness.
accomplishments are you proud to share? Have you read the Olsteen book? Do you
recommend any others?
A FOUR book contract...WOW! That's definitely getting started with a bang! I am a fan of Joel. I'll have to check out his new book as well Jody's ideas.
I haven't set me goals for this year yet. Very unusual for me. My inability to decide how to approach this year is the main reason I joined IWSG.
I haven't read the Olsteen book, but it does look good. I really liked Stephen King's On Writing. It was very encouraging. Your post is encouraging, Sylvia! Happy New Year.
Getting involved in the writing community is a great way to stay focused!
Of those 8 qualities you mentioned above, the most challenging is Run Your Own Race... and try not to compare your journey with others. There will always be somebody who writes faster, and is more successful than you are.
I need to be the best I can be.
Nice to connect via IWSG, Sylvia.
Writer In Transit
January IWSG co-hostess.
Having a positive attitude is so important and such a worthy goal. I'm working on it! :)
Yes, very envious of that contract! Must try harder :0) Good luck with all your endeavours in 2015, Sylvia. My main goal is to see my husband through the coming year without too many illnesses, and to have the chance to complete my children's book, both those things would be wonderful, but his health of course must come first. A happy new year to you.
Welcome to IWSG, Sylvia.
Good luck on your goal to be more involved with writers this year.
Way to take action and get involved! I need to do similar...though I may not get farther than to join the IWSG!
Good to see you on IWSG. I'm back myself from a long hiatus away from it. I like what I see on your blog, including the 12 Blogs Worth Watching. I'll have to stroll around those.
Right now I'm reading on "This Year I Will..." an inspirational book by M.J. Ryan, and it sounds right along the lines of what you're talking about. I've got a bunch of goals for the new year myself, and they definitely include determining what works, what's a waste of time, and what I should be doing more of. I wish you lots of luck with your goal to get in touch with other writers, as it's one of mine too. ^_^
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