"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island." - Walt Disney

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bernard Pivot Blogfest

Nicole Ducleroir is hosting a Bernard Pivot Blogfest today. If you are interested in participating, please visit her blog to sign up. There are over 100 people participating.

We're having fun with Pivot's ten questions, made famous in the United States by James Lipton of Inside the Actor's Studio. Blogfest participants have filled out the questionnaire and pasted it with their answers on their blogs today. We are then hopping from blog to blog to read everyone's answers and learn something interesting about our blog friends. Hopeully we'll meet some new people as well. Below are my answers.

1.What is your favorite word? Joy
2.What is your least favorite word? Can’t
3.What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Confidence
4.What turns you off? Arrogance
5.What is your favorite curse word? Damn
6.What sound or noise do you love? My daughters laughing together.
7.What sound or noise do you hate? Alarms
8.What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Event Planner
9.What profession would you not like to do? Janitor
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I’m proud of you.

Bonus not a part of the Pivot questionairre: What book are you currently reading? I'm always reading several books at once. I'm currently rereading Twilight and I just started Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Reading!


Rebecca T. said...

Ooh! Can't is a good least favorite word! And I love the bonus answers at the end. I'm usually reading a million things at once, too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

Jenna Wallace said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you. And I totally agree with the alarm thing!

RosieC said...

I agree with Rebecca. "Can't" is an excellent anti-word.

I'm currently reading a whole slew (teehee) of things, and can't seem to finish any of them, but the one I keep coming back to is Cat's Cradle. It's one of my favorites. I love Twilight. Where are you now? :)

Tony Noland said...

I love the succinct confidence of short answers. 8-)

Aleeza said...

haha--id hate to be a janitor too! i agree with tony--i like the succinctness (that a word?) of your answers :) thanks for stopping by my blog!

Eliza said...

Thanks for visiting my blog :-) Arrogance is definitely a turn off, and I don't think I'd fancy being a janitor either.

Unknown said...

Great answers! You share the same answer to #8 with my daughter. Okay, she's only ten, but she'd make an awesome event planner!

Thanks for playing along!!!

Artemis Grey said...

Hi Sylvia! Thanks for swinging by my blog! I love the event planner option for another career! I didn't even think of that! It's not unlike my circus though, from the standpoint that you'd be making other people happy with your work!

Sylvia Ney said...

Rosie - I just started rereading Twilight. I'm at the part where she researches vampires on the internet.

Nicole - this blogfest is so much fun. What a great idea!

Jenni Merritt said...

Hey! You got a new follower now too :)

PS. I hate the sound of alarms too... thank goodness for snooze buttons

Tracy said...

Hey there,
thanks for stopping by my house, I wanted to return the visit and I think I'll stay if you don't mind. Interesting, I don't like alarms either...scares the BeeJeebies out of me!

Scheherazade said...

You are a woman of few words, which is usually not the norm for writers. Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Unknown said...

Hello, Sylvia, thank you for reading my post. I am curious how you distinguish between confidence and arrogance- a fine line, yes?

I am currently reading "The Hound of the Baskervilles." I have never read Sherlock Holmes before, and I have been pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's writing is, and its immense readability, even given the changes in the vernacular since he wrote.

Susan Oloier said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.
Joy--what a lovely word. And our world needs more of it, for sure.
Reading: Scat by Carl Hiaasen and The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass.
I am now following you, too.

Sylvia Ney said...

Carolyn - to me, the difference between confidence and arrogance is in the way the person treats others. You can be confident in your abilities, but only the arrogant would brag about or look down on others who may not have achieved the same.

Theres just life said...

Hi Sylvia. I agree arrogance is a turn off, and can't ties with no in my book.
I just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" it is a great page turner. Now I just need to finish on of the other 3 or 4 on the bedside table.

Oh and the difference between arrogance and confidence is about 2 inches... the distance between looking someone in the eye and looking down your nose.

New follower....

Writer Gayle said...

Awwww,come on. You don't want to be a janitor? Cleaning up after other people is the humblest and noblest thing one can do. It's right up there with being a mother... and that's probably why you don't see many mothers working the sidelines as janitors. They get enough of it at home.

Unknown said...

I like your definition, Sylvia:).

Rebecca Bradley said...

Great comments from a new follower :)

Brigitte said...

Hi! thanks for stopping by and following :) i think i just might return the favor~
great answers
and as for the bonus part...
I just finished reading The Hunger Games.
I was in hysterical tears just minutes ago. >.>

Stephen T. McCarthy said...

Yes, "JOY" is a good word. I like some words as much for how they look as for how they sound and what they mean. Joy's a good one.

Ever read the C.S. Lewis book 'Surprised By Joy'? I don't think everyone would necessarily be able to relate to it, but he went places in that book that surprised the he-- "joy" out of me!

~ D-FensDogg
'Loyal American Underground'

Michelle Gregory said...

nice to get to know a new blogging friend a little better.

Gina Ciocca said...

I hate arrogance too! I think I missed that one in my ramblings. Hope you're enjoying the re-read of Twilight and thanks for following along on my blog!

Unknown said...

Joy, confidence and laughter - I love these answers.

M Pax said...

Alarms are grating.

Denise Covey said...

My kind of gal, nice short succinct answers. Love your fave sound. How are you enjoying Twilight? I caved and read the series last year and loved it must admit although Bella is a bit whiny.


Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Hi Sylvia! Happy Bernard Pivot Day! And thanks for popping my my blog. Wonderland - aren't you lucky? Not far from where I live is Canada's Wonderland, a big old tacky amusement park --- I certainly hope you're not writing there!

John Wiswell said...

Uncertain if it was intentional, but I enjoyed that your swear question was the only one that got a red number.

Kari Marie said...

I like Joy too. Good word.

Becky Wallace said...

Hi Sylvia! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love it when my kids laugh together. It's a new thing in our house (Boy: 5, Girl: 3) But here's a question for you: If you're a mom, aren't you already a janitor?

Anonymous said...

Going through your answers put me in such a postive mood. "Joy" is a beautiful word and a feeling we should experience often! Thanks for dropping by my blog today!

Becky Wallace said...

P.S. I miss Texas! Eat at Pappasitos for me!

Amanda Milner said...

Great answers! "I'm proud of you" would be awesome to hear! ☺

Alexis said...

Thank you for the follow! I love your answers!

Lindz Pagel said...

An alarm starting going off during one of my classes, and my teacher kept lecturing straight through it. It was horrible. Thanks for the follow, see you around :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

An Event Planner! That would be awesome. Planning with other people's money!
Thanks for sharing your answers.

DL Hammons said...

Can't is such a crutch word! Excellent choice!! :)

Erin Kane Spock said...

Short and to the point. Good answers.
I am currently reading Shadowfever by Karen Moning and Stranger by Zoe Archer.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

I love your favorite word. Makes me smile just looking at it. And I'm constantly struggling to get my 2-year-old to say "I need help" or "it's hard" instead of "I can't