At least once a month I try to share what I've been reading. Sometimes it's the fiction stories I'm enjoying, sometimes it's the nonfiction, and sometimes it's craft specific titles that I share. Today, I thought I would share a few titles specific to my classroom environment.
Rhetorical Analysis: A Brief Guide for Writers, walks students through the process for doing different kinds of analyses -- argument analysis, structure analysis, style analysis, and more. This book shows how to analyze a range of texts, print, visual, and multimedia. It includes both authors’ own analyses as models for students, as well as 4 complete student model papers. It also introduces students to rhetorical concepts (both classical and modern) that are relevant to rhetorical analysis.
This is the textbook I'm using with my Dual Credit high school seniors - college freshman class. In this time of extreme bias, quick tempers, and unrecognized agendas I feel this is such a crucial study for students preparing to enter adulthood. It's not enough to teach our young to just think for themselves. They must be shown how to analyze a source, judge it's worth, and evaluate both sides of an issue before forming their own conclusions and ultimately become able to form their own persuasions.
Great teammates don’t just impact you today; they impact you for the rest of your life. From the moment Jon Gordon heard about George Boiardi and the Hard Hat he was intrigued and captivated. Over the years he visited George’s coaches, attended several “21 Dinners” held in his honor, met his family, talked to his teammates and observed how he inspired all who knew him. The Hard Hat is an unforgettable true story about a selfless, loyal, joyful, hard-working, competitive, and compassionate leader and teammate, the impact he had on his team and program and the lessons we can learn from him.
The book features:
- A True Story about George Boiardi, his Team and their Legacy.
- 21 Lessons to be a Great Teammate
- Insights from George’s Teammates and Coaches that Bring the Lessons to Life.
- 21 Exercises to help you Build a Great Team
Infused with practical insights and life changing lessons, The Hard Hat will inspire you to be the best teammate you can be and to build a great team. This is a quick, but poignant read full of inspiration.
*100% of author’s royalties go to support the Mario St. George Boiardi Foundation.
The Fundamental Five: The Formula for Quality Instruction, shares with teachers and school leaders the five practices that every teacher can, and should, use to dramatically improve instructional rigor and relevance, and student performance.
Another quick read with some great reminders, suggestions, and inspiration.
What books would you recommend teachers read? What advice would you give teachers of future writers? If you were going to write a book for educators, or create your own curriculum, what would it be about?
Learning how to evaluate both sides is something young people desperately need to learn today. So many just jump to one side without giving the other side a chance. They need to think with their heads not their hearts.
I should probably read that last one. =) For me, the Five Love Languages was essential to understanding and motivating learners, as well as building relationships. My classroom is a little different than most, but I feel the better you understand your students, the better you know how to reach them.
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