I am participating because Christmas is my favorite holiday. As a Christian, it is a reminder of what my Lord has done for all of us, and how we are meant to treat each other. I am most grateful for my faith, family, and friends.

December is always a crazy month for us, filled with holiday cheer - Christmas concerts and show, activities, and parties. Any evening where we find ourselves without obligations, we spend driving around looking at Christmas lights, or snuggled on the couch with popcorn and a Christmas classic.

One of our favorite Christmas traditions includes reading "The Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve, while wearing new warm nightgowns. We reminisce over our favorite holiday memories, and enjoy staring into our Christmas trees - yes, we have more than one - before we settle in for the evening.
One of the best gifts I have ever received for Christmas is my dog who just celebrated her tenth birthday (see left), and, of course, there are always plenty of books and magazines subscriptions given as gifts. We all love to read!
One of my favorite Christmas songs this year is "Mary, Did You Know?" - the Pentatonix version. I hope you enjoy it as well - view below.
What are some of your favorite Christmas traditions and memories?
Awesome that your husband is your best friend.
Have a Blessed Christmas, Sylvia!
Such beautiful daughters :) Lovely traditions you have too; I'm sure everyone looks forward to them from year to year :)
Merry Christmas!
My dad would read us The Night Before Christmas too. Both me and my husband share this duty now, trading pages. He has an old version from the 1960's showing the "man" of the house in a bright purple housedress. My kids aren't old enough to understand why this pictures gives Mommy the giggles.
You have beautiful looking daughters and they will cherish your traditions for sure. It is such a magical time of year..Merry Christmas!
Christmas with family and the dog. What more could anyone ask for. Enjoy the happy festive occasion with friends.
Your daughters are beautiful! It's great having a supportive spouse, isn't it? I'm fortunate in that respect as well.
Merry Christmas!
I love that music video. When my kids were little I would always buy them new pj's for Christmas. They would open them Christmas morning and then put them on and wear them all day. Your daughters are lovely.
Hi, Slyvia!
Wonderful post! I've been hearing about that song by Pentatonix version and am so glad to listen to it. I always enjoy the Christmas Eve Service at our church because it is so family oriented. Your children are beautiful.
Merry Christmas,
Your daughters look lovely in their Christmas dresses :) My family likes to go see lights together, too, if we can find an evening we are all free. Pentatonix sings that song beautifully!
You sound like you have a wonderful family life. That makes Christmas all the better and more meaningful.
Christmas was always a fun time when I was growing up. My mother loved going all out and shopping for lots of presents. On Christmas Eve we'd play Christmas music and wrap presents and have a darn good time. Many years of great memories during that time.
Now that our children are grown and moved away--far away--Christmas usually involves traveling or some of them coming to visit us. I prefer the traveling--both my wife and I love long road trips.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Christmas trees are mesmerizing.The Mama of mine likes it to keep it up until Jan. 6. Merry Christmas!
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