
Monday, April 29, 2013


Zoetrope: All-Story is a magazine specializing in the best of contemporary short fiction. They boast a circulation of approximately 20,000 (in 2012).

Before submitting, non-subscribers should read several issues of the magazine to determine if their works fit with All-Story. Electronic versions of the magazine are available to read, in part, at the website; and print versions are available for purchase by single-issue order and subscription.

They consider unsolicited submissions of short stories and one-act plays no longer than 7,000 words. Excerpts from larger works, screenplays, treatments, and poetry will be returned unread. They do not accept artwork or design submissions. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, and first serial rights and a one-year film option are required. They do not accept unsolicited revisions nor respond to writers who don't include an SASE.

All-Story does not accept submissions between September 1 and December 31 (with the exception of stories entered in the annual Short Fiction Contest, which are considered for publication in the magazine).

All-Story does not accept submissions via e-mail. Send stories to:

Zoetrope: All-Story
Attn: Fiction Editor
916 Kearny St.
San Francisco, CA 94133

They invite writers to take advantage of the Virtual Studio, a free online writers' workshop sponsored by All-Story and its publisher, Francis Coppola. Writers are encouraged to support the small and independent publications to which they submit; magazines such as All-Story depend on subscriptions to survive, ensuring forums for publication of new and emerging writers.


  1. Well done on finishing this remarkable journey through the alphabet. You have ended on another excellent post.


  2. Your posts have been a great resource for writers. Congrats on making it through A-Z.

  3. Truly, you've made your daily posts something worthwhile for every writer dropping in. My Stetson's off to you, Roland

  4. Sounds like a magazine to consider for submission.

    Hope you enjoyed A to Z


  5. Hope you enjoyed the Challenge. Look forward to what you have coming up!

  6. Seems like you had another good time with A-Z, again this year. I hope that was true.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  7. Cool. Had not heard of this publication. Congrats on finishing the challenge! It's been fun!

  8. Informative as usual. Thanks for sharing and congrats on finishing the challenge.

    A Dose of Jules

  9. I just added myself on the emailing list and will check out the online issues. Thanks for sharing the info and congrats on the challenge!

    Chontali Kirk
