
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I Survived and Reflection

Thanks to art guru, Jeremy Hawkins from Retro-Zombie, for awarding this “I Survived” badge to all who finished this year's A to Z Challenge. Congratulations to everyone who finished. I had so much fun meeting all of you!

This challenge became the push I needed to write EVERY day. I haven't been doing that for a long time. While the challenge can be exhausting, the reward is so worth the price. This is the third year I've participated and it always serves to refuel my dedication and creativity. I'm already looking forward to next year.

A special thanks to the A to Z Team for 2013: The Madlab Post (Nicole Ayers), Tossing It Out (Arlee Bird), Amlokiblogs (Damyanti Biswas), Alex J. Cavanaugh (Alex J. Cavanaugh), Life is Good (Tina Downey), Cruising Altitude 2.0 (DL Hammons), Retro-Zombie (Jeremy Hawkins), The Warrior Muse (Shannon Lawrence), The QQQE (Matthew MacNish), Leave it to Livia (Livia Peterson), No Thought 2 Small (Konstanz Silverbow), Breakthrough Blogs (Stephen Tremp), and Spunk on a Stick (L. Diane Wolfe). They worked so hard to make this challenge a success.

You can read my posts for this challenge throughout the month of April. You can find the complete list of participants using the linky list here.

For more information on this April challenge, “The Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Reflections Post 2013”, or the upcoming “A to Z Road Trip” visit

What did you learn about yourself or others during this challenge? Why did you sign up to participate? Will you do it again next year?


  1. I feel like printing it out and putting it on my CV or on my wall...sad I know but hey!

  2. Great post, I think you've covered everyone. Loved the way this was set out.


  3. This was my first year doing the A-Z and it has been a fun experience. Thanks for all your work in keeping us energized and motivated to complete the challenge.

  4. What a nice way to end off the challenge! It's been a wildly fun ride if I do say so myself.

    Cheers from B at

  5. What an intense challenge it was for all of you! Congrats on making it through.

  6. Huge round of applause to all that made it through! Congratulations! :)

  7. I wouldn't say you survived the A-Z Challenge, Sylvia; I would say you thrived.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  8. great post,
    yes, you covered most of them and their links in this small post. good work. keep inform
    Best regards

  9. We're both survivors and nice of you thanking the A-Z team.

  10. It's definitely a challenge to come up with content every day! Especially as just one person--at least group blogs rotate. It's a fun experiment for one month of the year.

  11. 1. What did you learn about yourself or others during this challenge?

    I learned that I do better with scheduled posts so I can think through things better.

    Why did you sign up to participate?

    Momentary insanity? ;) I guess I needed some motivation to blog daily, I was looking for some new blogs to read that were in my areas of interest, and it has been a really long time since I did a blog hop and it sounded fun.

    Will you do it again next year?

    I plan to, and maybe even pick some themes on a couple of my blogs and do more than one. Who knows what sort of craziness will occur??

  12. Hey, Sylvia.

    Congrats on finishing the Challenge. Meeting people like you was one of the great things about it.
