
Sunday, April 28, 2013


So many of us wish we had started and/or taken our writing seriously at a young age. If you or someone you know is still in school K-12 and college, there are lessons and markets just for you.
One of my favorites is Hope Clark’s FREE WritingKid newsletter. This letter is mailed out biweekly to ANYONE interested and is full of advice, markets, submissions, contests and more just for ages five through college (some adult as well). To learn more about it or view a sample:
Another site for the young, parents and teachers is

There are many places students can learn more and get published FREE of charge. I only wish I had learned to focus and knew about these kinds of opportunities when I was young.
Do you recommend any sites or sources for young writers?


  1. A good post for Y. Sadly I don't know of any sites for young writers.


  2. Excellent site.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  3. Nice post on resources for young writers.

    There are a few social networking sites that are fun for young writers like Figment ( They offer writing contests, although they're competitive, usually based on how many "hearts" you've gotten out of people rather than how good your writing is (which can make it a bit of a time-waster too...). It's a nice place to go, at least, if you can't find an in-person writing critique group (if your child is looking for a writing group).

    NaNoWriMo is a good challenge for writers of all ages ( The Office of Letters and Learning (the people who do NaNoWriMo) have a young writer's program as well (

    Just a few resources that come to mind.

    Slithers of Thought (WR)

  4. Good suggestions. I've got my granddaughters staying with me this summer and we will be reading and writing everyday. I've been compiling activities to do with hem. I'll go take a look at these items.

  5. I sometimes wish we had internet when I was a kid. It would have been better to find outlets. I should probably send this to my niece. It might keep her from trying to be cool, and all that usually entails. Thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet you. :)

  6. My middle son wanted to be a writer when he was young. We thought he'd make a good one, since he had quite an imagination!
    Thanks for stopping by, commenting, and following!

  7. Sarah - thanks for the tips. I'll look into those.

  8. My son's school is doing a great job teaching the 4th graders to write. I am sure he will like these sites.

    Thank you for the information.

  9. youth is wasted on the young...gawd i wish i had done loads of things earlier!

  10. I got my first journal when I was six. I have several others that are missing in action. I have tried to interest my child in writing and I appreciate that links you have provided here.

  11. The earlier you start, the younger you'll get published...generally speaking. Cicada magazine is a magazine for the YA market and they encourage their audience to submit poems and stories. And they are very good.

  12. Hey Sylvia,
    Thanks for stopping by my X is for Xenodochy post!

    I totally agree that writing should be inspired at a young age. Oddly enough, I used to write fiction when I was younger and now I just can't seem to get back into it. Poetry and non-fiction, yes, but not fiction.

    Cheers from Brandy at

  13. Sylvia,
    It has taken me awhile to get back to you- thank you for following my blog! I look forward to following you. Thanks for these suggestions in your post. I too, wish that I had started pursuing writing earlier in life. My 10 year old daughter is a voracious reader and writer and these opportunities are certainly worth pursuing.
    All the best!

  14. Hi Sylvia, thanks for finding my blog. Visiting yours and it's really informative :) I used to love writing when I was young but sadly life got in the way. Maybe that's why I scrapbooked for years, a form of journalism! x
    Suzanne @ Suzannes Tribe

  15. Excellent site. I will forward it on to some teachers I know.

  16. Thank you for this! I was an elementary school teacher and look forward to being one again someday, and I will keep these sites in mind!
    (Stopping by from A-Z)

  17. Thanks for the info! I know about Stone Soup magazine, but the cut off age is 12 I think.

    Sometimes I have to tell my daughter to back away from the tv and cell phone to just read, write, draw, or do something creative.

    Chontali Kirk
