

A special "thank-you" to Tiana at for mentioning my blog in her list of top ten blogs worth visiting. She mentioned me, and featuredWriting in Wonderland in her list of top business bloggers in her article which can be found here:

Thanks to art guru, Jeremy Hawkins from Retro-Zombie, for awarding this “I Survived” badge to all who finished this year's A to Z Challenge. You can find my responses throughout April 2014.

WOW! Nominated for a Liebster Award by both Bonnie Gwyn and Alicia Bien. Thank you ladies! I truly appreciate the support and inspiration you have shared. You can find my responses here.

Thanks to art guru, Jeremy Hawkins from Retro-Zombie, for awarding this “I Survived” badge to all who finished this year's A to Z Challenge. You can find my responses throughout April 2013.

Thank you to Beth and Amy who both graced me with the Kreativ Blogger Award. You can find my responses here.

A special thank you to  co-host Jeremy from Retro-Zombie for the official A to Z Survivor badge. You can find my responses throughout the month of April 2012.

Thank you Meghan Kirkland for awarding me this beautiful award. You can find my responses here.

Thank you Rebecca Kiel for awarding me this yummy prize. You can find my responses here.

A special thank you to Margo for giving me the “Blog on Fire” Award along with some funny questions. You can find my responses here.

A special thank you to Bonnie Rae for gifting me with the Liebster award!

Thank you Deirdra Eden - Coppel for the “Brilliant Writer” award.

Thank you E.J. Wesley for designing and sharing this "No Strings Attached" "Real Trooper" Award.

Thank you Anita and Paula for this "Irresistibly Sweet Blog" award.

Thank you Stephanie for this delicious A to Z award.

Thank you Arlee Bird's Tossing It Out for organizing this event and to the cohosts: Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe,  Alex J. Cavanaugh, Jen Daiker's Unedited , Candace Ganger's The Misadventures in Candyland, Karen J Gowen at Coming Down the Mountain , Talli Roland and Stephen Tremp's Breakthrough Blogs.

A special thank you to Elizabeth Mueller for creating this whimsical A to Z Blogging Award.

A special thank you to Carole Anne Carr for this Inspiration award.

Thank you Lisa for honoring me with this "Sisters of the Quill" award.

Lindsay from Tiptoe Kisses was kind enough to share the gift  of this "Encouraging Blogger"award.

Thank you Jenni Merritt for the “One Lovely Blog” award.

Thank you Deirdra Eden - Coppel for the “Powerful Woman Writer” award.

Thank you, Mask. The Blogger Formerly Known as The Enigmatic, Masked Blogger for honoring me with a Stylish Blogger Award. My responses can be found here.

Thank you Kari Marie for sharing this very cool "Versatile Blogger" award.  Thank you to Aimee  for granting it to me a second time. For my responses, see here.

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