
Sunday, July 8, 2018

Writing Games

It's hard to believe we are already a week into July. This whole year is flying by so fast! 

Since Hurricane Harvey in August 2017, we've had so many living, career, and lifestyle milestones and changes that some things are a blur. I feel so blessed to have a family I adore, and career options that keep me happy and excited - most of the time.

July also marks the publication of an article I wrote several months ago for Southern Writer's magazine. "Writing Games" is the result of a visit to an escape game complex, and interviews with creators. The highly detailed story lines created for some of these games can rival many mystery, scifi, and historical books on the market. Thanks to the expanding market of the escape craze, a whole new genre of writing possibilities is now open to writers. For more information, or to read the article, check out the 7th Anniversary issue of  Southern Writers Magazine

How is your summer progressing? Are you writing happily? Any good reads you suggest?


  1. Congratulations, Sylvia!
    A blogger buddy used to rate those game places on his site. He lives in England and they have a lot more than we do. (Sadly he stopped blogging this year.)

    1. Thanks Alex! It's a shame he quit blogging. If the site is still up, please post a link. I'd love to check it out!
