
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Presidential Library Visit

Confession time: I totally geeked out today. Working on a college campus in the state capital has a lot of drawbacks, but it also has a lot of advantages.

I absolutely immersed myself in one of those advantages today. I visited the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum. It's just one block from the University of Texas stadium in Austin. You can visit the website here.

I spent the morning and part of the afternoon pouring through archives. I had the opportunity to review letters written to the Presidential cabinet, and see the responses sent back. When I say I reviewed them, please remember this was the 60's - before computers. These are the ACTUAL physical letters and studies hand written or typed by citizens and staff. I could have spent days here!

The last part of the afternoon, before the library closed at 5, I spent perusing the museum. So many beautiful, and disturbing, relics of that part of our history. I saw everything from the President's (Oval) and First Lady's offices to memorabilia from the Civil Rights and Gender Equality  movements. I absolutely want to go back when I have more time!

I'm ashamed to say this is the first Presidential Library I have ever visited. I think everyone should visit one. Regardless of how you feel about a particular party, issue, or individual, it's so very interesting and moving to review the struggles we have gone through as a nation.

Have you visited a Presidential Library? If so, which one, and what was your favorite part?


  1. I have never visited a presidential library, but if I could, I would. I can truly imagine the feelings one would have being immersed in history and seeing the memorabilia as well as correspondence — as well as all the books!

  2. Nay, nay, my just N worthy liege!
    Err'n till the cock crows
    betwixt my geese N foes!!
    (I think)
    Gotta wanna check-it-out though...

  3. مميزات السقالات والشدات المعدنية:
    السلامة: توفر السقالات المعدنية سطح عمل أمن ومستقر للعمال، مما يقلل من خطر السقوط والحوادث الناتجة عن استخدام سقالات غير آمنة أو غير مستقرة. وهذا يحسن سلامة العمال ويحميهم من الإصابات.
    رخص اسعارها : تعتبر اسعار السقالات الحديد في مصر ممتازة بالنسبة لاهميتها البالغة

  4. علاج دوالي الساقين بالليزر: يتم إدخال ألياف الليزر عبر الأوعية الدموية المصابة، حيث يتم استخدام الليزر لتوليد حرارة وإغلاق الأوردة المرتجف وقد يستغرق العلاج حوالي ساعة أو أكثر، حسب حجم وموقع الدوالي يحتاج المرضى إلى وقت أطول للتعافي. قد يعانون من احمرار وتورم وألم مرتبط بالجلطة في الأيام الأولى. قد يكون هناك حاجة لارتداء الضغط المرتفع في المنطقة المعالجة لعدة أسابيع.
