
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Goal Update

Last week I mentioned my new goal. Taking a spin off of Bradbury's famous advice, I want to write 20 flash fiction pieces by June. I thought I would share an update for the past week.

As of today, I have:

- 2 COMPLETED flash fiction pieces ready for submission.
- 2 completed drafts ready for final edits.
- 3 extremely rough drafts needing a LOT of work.

That's seven total for the last week. While I'm proud of that, I would be prouder if all seven were ready for submission. However, I'll take what victories I can, and keep plugging away. I still hope to have 20 pieces before June 1st.

If you want to read about my original goal, see my first attempts at flash fiction, or read some thoughts on setting goals - click here.

How are your goals and WIP's coming along? What victories are you celebrating?

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