
Friday, April 29, 2016


I briefly mentioned Linda Yezak as an editor in my letter "E" post earlier this month. However, she is also a talented author.

A number of years ago, my youngest daughter was in the hospital again after numerous visits there and medications. I was extremely tired, frustrated, and feeling abandoned by God. I bought a copy of her book Give the Lady a Ride. Through the course of reading this tale my spirits were lifted. I was reminded of a beautiful Truth and Gift from God. And I thank Yezak for serving as an ambassador for Christ through her writing.

If you ever have the chance to read one of her books, hire her as an editor, or speak with her at a conference - take it! Here is a portion of an interview with her from several years ago:

When working on a manuscript do you complete an outline first or just start writing? I always just start writing, but after a few chapters, I begin sketching out a loose outline–which makes me a Hybrid in the SOTP/Outline debate. I’m not an outliner, other than what I carry in my head and jot on various slips of paper, but I do try to keep a structure template in mind. Larry Brooks’s is my favorite (found in his Story Structure Demystified). It extends James Scott Bell’s a bit, but Jim’s is great too (Plot and Structure, one of Writers Digest's “Write Great Fiction” series). I’d never survive Randy Ingermanson’s Snowflake method–far too in-depth of an outline for me.

What do you do when you have writer's block? I try writing something else for a while–anything else. I have tons of “first scenes” in a computer file waiting for me to develop them into novels. Often, writer’s block strikes when something’s not quite right with the manuscript, and your inner editor won’t let you continue until you fix it. If you can’t get your muse and your editor to agree on how to fix the problem, you get stymied. Separation from the WIP usually helps, but to stop writing only makes the problem worse. The longer you put off writing, the easier it is to simply not do it. So I don’t recommend not writing, just write something different for a while.

What is your writing and editing process like and how do you balance being both an editor and an author?  I’m a morning person, but since my husband doesn’t go to work until the afternoon, I’ve learned there’s no point getting too engrossed in anything until he’s out the door. Generally, I wake up at four, answer my emails and do some networking and promoting after my Bible study, write whatever blog posts are required, then wake him up around seven or eight. Once he’s settled into his day, I edit works for my clients and save my own writing and editing for when he’s gone. I don’t set much in the line of goals, although I like to hit at least 1500 words a day. Problem with getting up so early is that I crash pretty early, too. Around six, I’m tuckered out. I usually drift to the bedroom around seven to read awhile, then fall asleep by eight or eight-thirty. No one will ever accuse me of being the life of the party!

Advice for writers? Study the craft. Always strive to improve.

To learn more about Linda Yezak, visit:


  1. That's funny she could't get serious work done with her husband around. Sometimes I feel the same way.

  2. This is the second story I've heard today about a book being the turning point to lift one's spirits after a serious personal situation. They say laughter is the best medicine, but reading has to be in the top five.
