Here are some tricks to help you create a clear picture:
- Sample a wide selection of current magazines and journals. You are learning what type of interviews and truths interest both you and other readers.
- Read online to experience a variety of new storytelling forms - you want to find the style that works for you
- Read on topics outside your discipline, such as architecture, astronomy, economics or photography. You are stretching your mind and your abilities.
- Read other articles in search of under-developed stories. This helps you decide on what topics or individuals you want to focus.
- Research as much as possible about your chosen topic or individual to help you find focus and form questions.
- Listen to the voice of the subject - what makes them unique.
- Write the best article you can complete - every time.
What have been some of your favorite interview subjects?
When I had my blog talk radio show, I loved the talker, the person with all the stories. The hour was always filled and went fast. Some of them I had back numerous times, they were great guests!