
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Unseen Kingdom: His Plan

I want to teach my children to have a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. Prayer habits that last a lifetime are most often formed in childhood. As adults model meaningful prayer lives, kids will learn how they, too, can talk to their Creator. That’s why each day this month I will be writing a prayer inspired by a different letter of the alphabet and sharing an accompanying verse from the Bible.

As it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” – but Gad has revealed it to us by his Spirit.
1 Corinthians 2:9-19

All-knowing God, we often come before You to make requests concerning our future without even acknowledging Your special plans for us. Please empower me with strength and endurance as I continue doing the work You have given me. I know there is nothing that can hinder or destroy Your eternal purpose, and I rejoice in expectation of victory. I commit myself to following You, for in Your way I find my path to everlasting joy. Amen.


  1. It is so important, I agree, to work towards His will, not my will, be done. Amen

  2. Hey there, This could have been posted under f for fate too, right?

  3. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for commenting. I can't believe A-Z is almost over! You have a wonderful blog and I look forward to coming back and reading future posts. (:

  4. This is convicting, as it's easy to see prayer life as personal time with God. It is vitally important to teach my children the importance of prayer. Thank you for the reminder. I thoroughly enjoyed your post.

  5. In the journey through life, my wife and I wonder what His plan for us. Working toward His goal is the most important.He does not give more than you can bear. Amen

  6. Thank you for reading my blog. Your blog is a really inspiring one. Thanks for sharing.

  7. His plans are special, all of them. And yes, how often we forget to acknowledge Him!
