
Monday, April 23, 2012

Time: Eternity with Him

I want to teach my children to have a close relationship with our Lord and Savior. Prayer habits that last a lifetime are most often formed in childhood. As adults model meaningful prayer lives, kids will learn how they, too, can talk to their Creator. That’s why each day this month I will be writing a prayer inspired by a different letter of the alphabet and sharing an accompanying verse from the Bible.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Dearest Father, we are so tied to time, so worried about running out of it. Our length of time here on earth is not known to us. I am comforted to recall that You do know. You’ve counted every minute – even before my birth. I give every one of my days, hours and minutes to You. Thank You for allowing me to see past the limitations of this life and imagine all of my tomorrows with You. Amen.


  1. Hi there, I am loving your theme for the A to Z challenge. Just found you here, but plan on reading all of your posts. Especially liking your prayer about time.

  2. As a writer, mom and full time employed, time is a very fragile thing. So this prayer is very needed and timely. Thank you and Amen.

  3. Very timely, with "time" running out on the A-Z challenge. :-) It IS a comfort for know that time in not beyond God's reach.

  4. Excellent post. Nice to see this in the blogosphere!

  5. Lovely prayer. As for me, I have learned to relax and have faith that the Lord will take care of it. Just when I'm ready to give up, the Lord is there. I'm not a Fundamentalist Christian, but I do believe in the Lord and I do pray. In addition, I no longer fear death.

    Jolie du Pre
    Precious Monsters

  6. What an awesome A to Z theme! I love it!! Beautiful prayer ..I'll have to come by and read more later when I have more time. --Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow. I'm gladly following you right back! :)

  7. Visiting from the A to Z Challenge.:) ~ Angela, Whole Foods Living,

  8. I love that it's so important to you to teach that to your kids!

  9. Such a good reminder...he knows my time. I need to rest in Him!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Sylvia - it seems you've found time to keep up to date with the various letters in the AtoZ Challenge! Well done. Sadly it goes too fast and yes, I worry that I will run out of it before I'm ready! Then I think of a lovely quote I read on a card "The world is full of people who will go their whole lives and not actually live one day. She did not intend on being one of them" that reminds me to use the time I have.

  11. When I was diagnosed with cancer EVERYTHING was placed in God's hands and I realized then that He truly is the keeper of time, of our moments here on this earth.. I enjoy every moment and am thankful..
    Great post.
    Thank you.

  12. This is very appropriate for my life right now - thank you!
