
Friday, May 20, 2011

Sweet Award and Favorite Blogs

First, thank you Anita for this "Irresistibly Sweet Blog" award. Along with the strawberry goodness comes these original rules:

1. Thank and link to the person who nominated me.
2. Share seven random facts about myself.

3. Pass the award to 15 blogging friends.
4. Contact the winners to congratulate them.

Seven Things About Myself:
In the interest of keeping this post from becoming a novellette you can check out these lists.
Instead of passing this award to 15 specific bloggers (who may or may not have received it before), I invite any of my blogging friends to accept it by leaving a comment below. They can leave a link back to their own blog, webpage, twitter or facebook accounts.
Next, I want to say thank you for all of the kind comments and emails you have been sending. The blogging commnity can be such an uplifting (and addictive) thing. So, just for fun, let's compose a list of "Must Visit" blogs.
I received so much feedback from my last post I thought you could use a little more advice on writing and happiness. I'll start off the list of "must visit" blogs with Nathan Bransford and his Ten Commandments for a happy writer. What blogs or posts do you habitually visit because you learn or laugh through them?


  1. Congrats on the sweetie award.
    I like to visit Old Kitty at Ten Lives Second Chances, she's always adds a smile :O)

  2. Congrats as well on the award!
    The blog I love to visit for writing tips is
    and for hours of uncontrollable laughter, I love

  3. Aww, you're so smart doing your seven things like that. Those awards look good on you, lady. :) I've never tasted diet rootbeer. Hmm. Might have to try it if it's that good.

    Oh, and YOU love Johnny Depp, too?? Doesn't he rock?? Any scene he's in, he totally steals it. I'm going to see the newest Pirates movie tomorrow w/the kids. WOOT!

  4. BTW, I'm totally not signing up for the award again. LOL!! Just wanted to leave a shout out. ;)

  5. Woot on your award. And thank you for the tips. Such a helpful Friday it's been all over the web. Writers rock. :)

  6. Congrats on your award Sylvia. I always like to visit Ann Best's blog as I like to see what Ann and Jen have been up to.


  7. Congrats to you. I already have one. Thank you.

  8. Congratulations on your award! I love Nicole Duclerior's site at One Significant Moment at a time.

  9. Every morning I hope there's a new post from He writes really awesome posts to inpire me to never give up. And it never gets old.
