This weekend marks the official start of Fall! Although, you wouldn't know it in southeast Texas with temperatures hitting near 100 degrees as I'm writing this. I'm looking forward to the changing season. I'm also hoping to increase my writing output as I've been too distracted to write as much as I would like lately.
In that vein, I thought I would share some writing prompts - not all of them are season related, but you can make them such if you wish. I hope they inspire some wickedly wonderful Autumn tales!
1) Write a Fall or Halloween special for your favorite television show.
2) Design your own school of magic: what does it look like? what subjects are taught? Who are the teachers? What are some of the back-to-school traditions?
3) Create a legend about your city.
4) Write an acrostic poem.
5) Write about a Thanksgiving dinner attended by your favorite fictional character.
6) Write a scene from the POV of Alexa or Siri.
7) Create a fake news report.
8) Write a retelling of your favorite Shakespeare play.
9) Write a scene that takes place in your favorite bookstore or coffee shop.
10) Write about a character who has terrible luck.
11) Write a Fall scene without using the word pumpkin.
12) Write about the worst possible break up you could imagine.
13) Make up your own conspiracy theory.
14) Write a story that takes place in a corn maze.
15) Write a ghost story.
16) Take a favorite Christmas song and rewrite the words to be about Halloween, or Thanksgiving.
What are you writing? Are you trying any of these? Any other prompts you want to share?
Some good ones. Although most news outlets are already really good at producing fake news.