
Monday, August 19, 2024

Templates, Titles, and Thinknetic

I suppose I take it for granted that most writers understand formatting. A special thanks to John Floyd at for reminding me this may not be true. In fact, we could all use a refresher, or glimpse into fellow practices, lest we get stale or find ourselves in a rut. Floyd has shared the Shunn's Modern Manuscript Format as well as his own personal version here.

Another interesting read on that blog is by Bob Mangeot, called A Title So Good I Couldn't Use It. While titles themselves cannot be copyrighted (unless it's a proper noun, trademarked, franchise, or some such) there are times when authors need to be ready to let go of, or change their titles. It's not uncommon for reader's groups, critiques partners, editors, or publishers to fail to connect with, or outright hate, a title. An author needs to be ready to decide if the title they created is worth holding onto if it might be a lack of publication and/or payment.

Another interesting read I came across this week was Garry Rodgers sharing about a group he discovered called Thinknetic. This site offers a variety of mental models, exercises, and other tools. For more, see his post Twenty-one Cognitive Tools for Making Smarter Decisions.

How about you? Have you read any of these posts? What are your thoughts on them? Did you read anything else this week that you would like to recommend?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendations. I should check out the formatting one.
