
Monday, July 12, 2021

Apollo 11 Anniversary, Virgin Space, and an Interview a Day

Two years ago I shared an article on this blog: Apollo 11 Anniversary and the Lunar Library  I wrote about the 50th anniversary, Elon Musk and his space Tesla, and the new lunar archives. I also mentioned the (then) recently discovered black hole, and other space related events.

It's only been a couple of years since then, separated by a global pandemic, and yet our planet has only continued to reach for the stars.

In case you missed it, on Sunday, Richard Branson and the crew of Virgin Galactic successfully completed their first space flight. Branson hopes to make commercial flights s common possibility. His work and investments to that end have excited thousands. If you missed it, check out:

Curious what veteran space explorers thought? Check out:

Since December of 2019, a friend of mine (Nathan Price) has been on a personal mission to interview a person a day about our obsession with the moon. He plans to continue through the end of 2024. His goal: to discuss the moon and keep video thoughts on what humans were thinking about the reach for space leading up to our return to the moon. His subjects include people who feel the whole thing is a hoax - Neil Armstrong never went to the moon, professional scientists, teachers, stay-at-home moms, and everyone in between. If you'd like to know more, view his interviews, or even participate in one yourself: Countdown to the Moon Interviews and His Daily Query

Interested in fiction inspired by the moon? Check out Andy Weir's Artemis.

How about you? Are you inspired by the human grasp for space? What has surprised you most about reaching for the stars? What are you most looking forward to in the future?


  1. Blows my mind people think any of this is a hoax.
    This was a major event. Shame some news places chose to bash it.

  2. Anything with space is fascinating to me. I'll be sending stories to the moon in December on a lunar lander (with several other authors). I'm very excited about that. :D
