“Savoring Single is the perfect book for girls in this
generation. Sometimes it feels like everything in the world just draws
attention to our singleness resulting in us feeling even more alone. Shelley
has written a book that exposes the truth about being single and leads by
example how we can cherish -not waste- this important season of our lives.”
– Kiara
Last month, Livy Lynn contacted me, requesting that I be part of an exciting Blog Tour, for Christian
Author, Shelley Black! Shelley has journeyed through being single longer than
she expected and has since found joy, hope and purpose from a once begrudged
season. She now challenges the status quo of what it means to be single as a
modern-day Christian female, with a passion to infuse hope and restore joy to
every single-girl heart.
Her debut book, Savoring Single, is such an encouraging
offering for the young women of this generation. I was happy to get behind
this book, and Shelley’s mission of helping God’s daughters truly EMBRACE the
season they’re in.
For my portion of the Tour, Shelley is giving away 4 Autographed
Paperback Copies of Savoring Single!
To enter, simply use the Raffelcopter form below, to follow Shelley
Black, and the Tour Coordinator, Livy Lynn, on their Social Media accounts and
get connected with both of their ministries.
The Giveaway begins February
3rd and ends March 3rd! Have fun entering and getting connected with these lovely ladies! (Oh,
and good luck!)
Tour Coordinated By: Livy Lynn Blog! Are you a Christian author?
Let me plan your next Blog Tour! Visit www.livylynnblog.com!
Lets Go Join With Me @bolavita Www.dewasabungayam.com