
Friday, August 18, 2017

Fiction Fallout and New Goals

Between taking a huge decrease in summer time work, and a larger increase in nonfiction projects previous to that, my fiction writing has been minimal so far this year. Aside from a few small pieces and a "flash fiction challenge" that I gave myself in May, my fiction output this year has taken a nose dive.

This weekend I'll be attempting to jump start my fiction goals by revisiting some old first drafts that have been collecting dust in my drawer, or on my hard drive. I'll be reassessing my goals for the rest of this year, something I do every few months. I hope you do the same. I want to complete several of the unfinished stand alone pieces, continue a series I let grow cold, and try a new genre.

I also want to get back in the habit of visiting with you, my readers and fellow bloggers. I must admit, I took a large break from visiting on social media this year - too much negativity zaps my creativity. However, I think I can safely return to you dear friends. If you'd like a visit, and promise there will be no rants, please leave a comment and link below.

By the way, if you are looking for submission possibilities check out

How are your WIP's coming along? Are you setting any new goals lately?

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