The Write Support
June 24, 2017
10 am – 4 pm
Howells Furniture Conference Room – 2nd Floor
6095 Folsom Dr, Beaumont, TX 77706
COST: FREE to all TGCW members. For all others, the cost is $10 at the door. Table space may be limited and will go to the first to reserve, please RSVP to Sylvia Ney.
10 am – 1 pm Bring your latest manuscripts and questions to share for honest feedback, and to encourage needed reviews. This is strictly time for critiques, edits, reviews, and general work on your manuscripts.
LUNCH On your own at your discretion. There are many restaurants within a five mile radius of this location.
Hope to see you there!
You know, Texas in general seems to be the most supportive state for authors.