Scott Eagan - Opened
Greyhaus Literary Agency in 2003 with three goals in mind: to remain a small agency focusing only on Romance and
Women's Fiction, to provide educational opportunities for writers in these
genres while making efforts to enhance those genres, and to assist with
increasing communications between the professional publishing community and the
writers. Being a small agency focused on a small number of genres allows him the
chance to work closer with his writers and keep up with the every-changing
trends in romance and women's fiction. To learn more, check the website:
and his blog:
Here is a sample of that interview:
What genres do you usually represent and what made you choose those? Greyhaus Literary Agency only accepts traditional print romance and women's
fiction. This was for two reasons. The first is that the romance line makes up
over 55% of the fiction market. In other words, supply and demand. The second
is that I really do enjoy these stories. Both are stories about people. These
are character and relationship stories.
Any tips for authors who want to pitch? Pitch only when your project is 100% ready to go. Treat it like a job interview and be 100% professional.
Any tips for authors who want to pitch? Pitch only when your project is 100% ready to go. Treat it like a job interview and be 100% professional.
What do you think is the most important quality it takes to be a
successful author? Professionalism, a sense of knowing where they stand in the publishing world,
and a desire to learn and grow as a writer.
What do you find to be the hardest lesson for writers to learn or
accept? Rejection, and criticism. Look, you are not going to sell your first book. It
may take time so deal with it. This is a business where overnight success
happens only to a few out there!
Thank you for the information you post and hopefully useful to readers