
Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Jessica Kirkland joined The Blythe Daniel Agency, Inc. as Marketing and Literary Agent in 2012, where she is the primary fiction acquisition agent. Jessica has a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communications, and a minor in Marketing, which has helped lead to the successful sales and positioning of her authors. Jessica writes on her own website where she encourages people to make their moments count. Jessica is acquiring and representing adult fiction, young adult fiction, and some non-fiction. Find out more at:

Here is a sample of that interview:

.        I see you represent both adult and young adult fiction, but one of your passions is helping children form a relationship with Jesus. Would you ever considerrepresenting a children’s author? I represent non-fiction and fiction (both YA and adult). I do represent Middle grade, but no picture books at this time. Children's books are some of my favorite things to write, but unfortunately, the market doesn't want them right now. For the moment, I will continue to write my own, but to sign a children's author now is not a wise professional investment. 
     I noticed you blog on Have you ever written or do you plan to write in other formats? Glad that you asked. I do enjoy blogging— I write letters to the broken on my blog as well as ways to Live Loud (or make life count). It's fun. I am also working on a YA novel as well as a non-fiction book that will go in an e-book bundle this spring. Of course I have the two book apps, The Sounds of Night and The Lonely Stable that are available in the app store for children ages 2-7. I always have something cooking. 
     What are your query pet peeves? I only have one pet peeve and it has nothing to do with queries. I can't stand hearing authors talk about "dating agents." Or authors that act like they are throwing the agent a bone if we end up working with them. I can spot arrogance a mile away and I will shut down in 2 seconds in a pitch like that. We work so hard for our clients, and any talk that cheapens the agent/author relationship is annoying. 
Any tips for authors who want to pitch? Pitching is simply a conversation. Know your story and be able to tell my why you are unique and why you think I am a fit for you and vice-versa. Authors who do their homework are the ones who stand out. 

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