
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Proud Writing

In his Memorial Day message, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki quotes Civil War-era orator, Robert Green Ingersoll:

They died for liberty--they died for us. They are at rest. 

They sleep in the land they made free, under the flag they rendered stainless ... Earth may run red with other wars, but they are at peace.

In the midst of battles, in the roar of conflict, they found the serenity of death.

Have you ever written a message to or for a Veteran? Do you know someone to whom you could write a letter of thanks?

Interested in reading the work of veterans? Try one of the Proud to Be volumes listed in the right column. Or submit your own work to Volume 4. Details can be found:

Hope you all enjoy a beautiful Memorial Day!


  1. I've done numerous Memorial Day and Veteran's Day tributes on my blog over the years. I'm very proud and thankful for my grandfather who fought in WWI, for all of my uncles and my father who fought in WWII, of my cousin who served in Nam. Another cousin who served as a Navy Seal. Of a brother-in-law who served during peace time.

    I'm so proud my son considered serving and so thankful he decided not to.

    My heart bleeds for the the sons, fathers and wives who never returned to their families because they loved this country and us enough to lay down their lives for us.

    I know a vet that has a stirring reminder of what this holiday is really about at:
