
Friday, May 1, 2015

A to Z Survivor - What's Next?

We did it!

A to Z is finally over - or is it? Not sure what to do next? Try participating in the "post" blog fest activities. You can also buy your own survivor shirt. Curious? Learn more about the t-shirt here and the next phase of the challenge here.

As for me, I'll no longer be posting EVERY day, but hopefully, I will stay inspired to continue more steadily. I'm still writing for several magazines, and working on a few other submission possibilities.

How about you? What are your plans now that this challenge is wrapping up? Did you successfully complete this challenge? Will there be other blog fests in your future?


  1. I have three blogs that keep me busy. I'm following you, so when you post I'll hop over for a holler!!

    Congratulations on surviving!!

    Best wishes on your other writing!

  2. I didn't do the challenge, but I'm always impressed by those who do. For my part, I've been busy with pre-pub business regarding my book that's coming out. Now I plan to get back to posting book reviews and travel notes (we're about to take a trip again to Spain.)

  3. By the way, I'm looking for reviewer for my book. I couldn't find an email for you, so I'm mentioning that here. Would you be interested?

  4. I also did the a - z challenge now i am doing a may challange called blogging everyday in May over at life behind the purple door. Hope that helps if you want to do another challenge. Hope you have a great day.

  5. This is the first time I've seen an A-Z Blogging tee shirt. Too cool.

    Congratulations on completing the A to Z challenge for 2015.
    We made it! (I did 5 blogs this year for the series - all on different topics. Whew.)

    Thanks for visiting and commenting and following at
    Kicking MS to the Curb .

  6. I did survive and I am planning on doing it next year. It was a lot of fun. I haven't written a reflection post yet, but I plan on it.

  7. Well done on finising the A-Z :)

    I always tend to do a retrospective on the A-Z and break it down as to what I got from it, how I found doing it, if it helped me in any way and any other thoughts on the A-Z process.

    I like it, as it's a nice way to tie the whole thing up with a concluding A-Z post.

    See you in future posts :)

  8. Yes, I successfully finished, and will still be posting pretty much daily, due to the nature of my blog I always try to, don't always succeed, but most of the time I manage. I don't know if I'll do another, this was year 4 or 5 I think, not sure what I could do different next year...again given the nature of my blog. Time will tell.
    Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

  9. Congrats! I'll be trying to post on my blog three times a week in addition to my WIPs. Good luck with all of your writing endeavors, I'll certainly be sticking around!

  10. "Writing in Wonderland" has been included in our A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.

  11. I did complete the challenge and I'm intending to keep on blogging regularly. I'd let it slip a bit so I'm hoping this will be a good jump starter.

  12. Happy to have completed the challenge but I feel I need to keep the momentum up and branch out a little now I've found so many wonderful diverse bloggers out there :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  13. it was by chance i saw your blog and loved your A to Z posts, great

  14. it was by chance i saw your blog and loved your A to Z posts, great

  15. Congratulations on completing the challenge! This was my third attempt and second with a theme. The themes are an excellent way to catch up with personal research or get a project going. I am unlikely to post daily but hope to post regularly !

  16. I plan to post more regularly now that A to Z is over. I'm going to look at some of the other blogfests and see if any sound interesting, just nothing daily anytime soon.
