
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Writing in Obedience

I found this book to be an excellent source for ANY Christian writer, not just those hoping to write specifically for the Christian market. As a person of faith, I have wondered what the Lord's plan was for me. While I have never felt specifically "called" to write "Christian" fiction, I AM a believer who didn't want to exclude my religion from all of my writing.

The authors of this book (one agent and one editor) discuss the differences in being called to write for Him, and writing as an "offering" to the Lord. Sections include pointers in writing for different audiences, structuring your story correctly, and getting the manuscript published.

This book briefly reviews what we want to achieve with our writing, and discusses how we define success.

About the Authors

Terry Burns has been with the Hartline Literary agency for ten years, more than five years as an agent, and has a substantial list of clients, a growing list of credits, and a reputation for presenting to conferences all over the country. Terry comes from a writing background, has over forty books of his own in print, most recently adapting a Christian movie script to print for the movie Footprints, a Young Adult novel entitled Beyond the Smoke, which won the Will Rogers Medallion, the three book Mysterious Ways series from David C. Cook, and a book on the skills needed to get published entitled A Writer s Survival Guide to Getting Published that was developed out of the month long course he held for the American Christian Fiction Writers. A bookstore of his available works as well as a periodic blog can be found at terryburns(dot)net. Terry has a BA from West Texas A & M and did graduate work at Southern Methodist University. He's a member of the Association of Author s Representatives (AAR).

Linda W. Yezak holds a BA in English, a graduate certificate in Paralegal Studies, and a bucket list as long as her arm. Among the things on the list is owning a stable full of horses, and since that s not likely to happen any time soon, she includes horses in each of her novels, from her contemporary western romance, Give the Lady a Ride, published in 2011, and her current work, The Cat Lady s Secret, under contract to Harbourlight Books, to her works-in-progress. Linda has been a freelance editor for several years and is a speaker for writers groups and conferences in the Ark-La-Tex-OK region. Until the day she can retire with her husband to their land in Central Texas and ride to her heart's content, she'll continue with her writing and editing careers.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good book. I think it is wonderful how we can influence the world for the better through our writing!
