In recent years, stories involving the military - both fiction and nonfiction - seem to have become more prevalent and appealed to a wider audience. Now, with the scandals of the VA investigations and the release of Bergdahl, even more eyes are watching. A larger number of readers want to know what life is like for our military. They want to see proof of what is happening, and they long for both stories of scandal and heroism. When they are unsatisfied with the tales provided by "officials", they are turning to real life accounts from military personnel. One recent release is Phil Klay's Redeployment.
These short stories about Marines in Iraq seem to be brutally frank about the traumas and moral compromises of a new era of war. Klay saw them firsthand: saying he spent a year in Iraq with the Marines. I have not read this one yet, but I must admit my interest is piqued.
Have you read this one? What other military themed books would you recommend?
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