
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Xtra, Xtra

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"

Years ago whenever there was breaking news and the normal daily had already been delivered, they would sometimes print a second paper delivered later in the day with the urgent news - An 'EXTRA' edition.

This was long before television, and even radio, made it easier to disseminate news.  The Newsies (paper boys) would stand on the streets calling the chant, "Extra! Extra! Read all about it!"

Over time slang has dropped the e, and people still use the "Xtra, xtra!" exclamation to capture attention.

For a fun movie try Newsies. A young Christian Bale, Bill Pullmn, and Robert Duvall star in this 1992 musical based on the New York City newsboy strike of 1899. When young newspaper sellers are exploited beyond reason by their bosses they set out to enact change and are met by the ruthlessness of big business.


  1. Robert Duvall? Christian Bale? Wow, that is truly hard to imagine. thanks for the info.

  2. You should have heard me gasp with excitement when I saw the Newsies image. ;) It's one of my favorites!

  3. Things have really changed since then! lol Thanks for the follow.

  4. A great choice for X! Extra editions, and terms like "Stop the Press", are seeming almost quaint now.

  5. I think I've seen this movie. I vaguely remember it anyway. I'll have to look it up to refresh my memory.

    Thanks again for the visit to my blog and the follow. Here to return the favor since your blog totally looks worth following as well. =)

    LittleCely's Blog

  6. Oh Newsies. My friend and I were just discussing this movie and how we would swoon over Jack Kelly and Spot Colin.

  7. I remember when I was a kid that the newspaper street sellers used to call out all sorts of weird and wonderful chants. I'm visiting as part of A to Z and I'm following, too.

  8. I don't know this movie - must check it out ... but I remember the paper boys ... Belfast Tele - it took me years to figure out what he was shouting lol

    Thanks for visiting mine today ... this has been a great month for meeting new people - I'm delighted to have found your blog :)

    Fil at
    Fil’s Place - Old Songs and Memories

  9. One of our aspiring student authors read your post and just loved it. Thanks for sharing! Visiting from A to Z Challenge at Learning at Cedar Ridge Academy and Cedar Ridge Academy

  10. I want to watch this movie now! :):D

  11. I can remember seeing this when it came out. I don't remember what channel it was on but it was a musical so my mom didn't object to me watching it. I was fascinated by what they did with the story.

  12. I remember when Nashville had "The Nashville Banner" for that very purpose. The Tennessean would come in the morning, followed by the Banner in the afternoon. They did away with the Banner years ago and I don't think the other paper is doing too well...most of the nation's papers are now owned by the same company, right?

  13. I'm so glad you suggested this movie. I will definitely check it out. I remember this musical; also, I'm a Christian Bale fan, so it will be fun to see him as a youngster!

    Thanks for stopping by my site. I look forward to reading more of your blogs.

  14. Hi Sylvia, connected via #atozchallenge2014 . I think Xtra is so clever and love the Newsie's pic!

  15. I have not seen this movie and I know I wanted to. There are so many that come out and unless one marks them down, one forgets. Great use of the letter X

  16. I wondered if my sister came to comment on this post and she did! Lylandra is a huge Newsies fan, she also blogged about them for her A-Z Challenge.

  17. I mentioned Newsies for my X day too! Love that film. :)
