
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Genealogy Submission

Anyone interested in recording family history can enter the 2014 Reminiscent Writing Contest. There is no entry fee. Any story that does not embarrass or harm anyone may be entered.

This year's theme is "That Old House". Entering a story into this contest helps you to create a family treasure for yourself and others.

Stories must be typed, double-spaced, and have no more than 1000 words or four pages. Use a cover sheet with your name, address, phone number, email address and the name of your story. Do NOT put your name on any pages of your story. You can turn in your story anytime on or before December 30, 2014.

The winner will be announced at the 2015 Reminiscent Reading Program. The first place winner will receive $25. All participants receive a copy of the book containing all of the stories.

For more information, call the SWLA Geanealogical and Historical Library (337) 721-7110. You can also email them or visit You can also visit the library at 411 Pujo Street, Downtown Lake Charles.


  1. Thanks for posting these opportunities!
    Donna Smith
    The A-to-Z Challenge
    Mainely Write

  2. Looks like a interesting contest to enter. I could post about the house that I grew up in that was boarded up last time I saw it. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Sounds like an interesting contest. The heroine of my latest novel could write a fantastic story about 'That Old House' as she inherited an old house in Ireland which hid a few secrets from the past. Unfortunately I can't think of any old house that has featured in my own family history!

  4. I'm so glad I saw this! My mom is seriously into geneology, and I will have to encourage her to enter. There are some great ideas on this blog. I'm your newest follower. :)

  5. This sounds like a great writing experience/contest. I hesitate to even call it a contest! Just reading it makes me think of the houses in my past. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!
    Mary visiting from The View from my World

  6. So glad you are all finding my blog useful. I created and maintain it as much for you as myself. Happy A to Zing!

  7. Thanks for stopping by and becoming a new follower of our blog. The contest sounds interesting and should be a lot of fun for those who enter. Good luck to everyone who enters!

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  8. I love the name of your blog and header picture... Thanks for stopping by my blog... Visiting via the A to Z challenge... :)

  9. I think this is something I will try. I have a house in mind and usually it's the backdrop to my great grandma's story but it could actually have its own tale. Thanks for sharing.

  10. This sounds like a nice little competition lots of people can enter.
