
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Aroho, Autumn, and Amazon submissions

AROHO'S TO THE LIGHTHOUSE POETRY AND CLARISSA DALLOWAY PROSE PRIZE --- NO ENTRY FEE. AROHO’s To the Lighthouse Poetry and Clarissa Dalloway “everything but poetry” Book Prizes are awarded annually to one woman’s excellent unpublished collection of poetry (48 to 96 pages) and prose (50,000 to 150,000 words), respectively. We encourage and enjoy a diverse range of topics and styles for both competitions. For the Clarissa Dalloway Book Prize, accepted genres include but are not limited to memoir, biography, novel or novella, young adult literature, and graphic novels. Winners receive $1000 and publication of their submitted collection by Red Hen Press. In addition, AROHO will provide promotional efforts and coverage of some related travel expenses, constituting an additional $1000 in value. Deadline April 1, 2014.

AUTUMN HOUSE LITERARY CONTESTS --- $30 ENTRY FEE. Autumn House is accepting entries for its annual literary contests which award cash prizes in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The Poetry Contest will award publication and $2,500 to the winner in each category. Deadline April 30, 2014.

Amazon Novel Contest, a novel writing contest for original, unpublished or self-published, fictional, English language manuscripts of any genre that is not offensive, pornography, publicity, indecent proposals, technical manuals or guides. Only accepting the first 10,000 entries.

Today is the first day in the "A to Z" blog challenge. There is very little time left to join. For more information, please click the badge at the top of the right column. Happy Writing!


  1. Nice post. good luck with the challenge.

  2. A good start, and info we can use. Thanks, Sylvia. I'm doing an ART theme for the whole month. Hope you get a chance to drop by.

  3. Great concept for your blog. I love it.

    Looking forward to visiting again.

  4. Thanks for the great information. Hope you'll drop by my blog as well. Always love to check in with fellow writers. Good luck!

  5. A...solid post! Thanks for the cool info!

  6. Whew! You are a wealth of information. Awesome.

  7. Very sweet. I always love when information about contests and events are shared! Thanks for the heads up :-)

    Jak at The Cryton Chronicles & Dreams in the Shade of Ink
