
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Resume for the Writer

A writing-specific resume is a good thing to have on your website in case interested industry professionals stop by. It’s also good to have one for record-keeping, as well as being handy for those occasions when an agent or publisher requests one (it does happen).

If you are ready to create your own, you might try something similar to the below.

This Is My Name
1234 Address, City, ST
Phone #

  • To obtain (fill in the blank: representation, publication, fame, fortune, etc.) for my (fill in name of work being submitted).

  • 2004 Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from Top University.

Work History

  • Freelance Writer (details, dates, clients)
  • Writer at Company Name (dates and details)

General Experience

  • 2013 President of Best Writers Group Ever
  • 2000-2004 Freelance Writer for college publication.

  • World’s Best Novel September 2013


  • “Poem 1,” “Poem 2,” “Poem 3,” The Literary Magazine  Fall/Winter 2012
  • “Short Story,” Anthology, Publisher, 2011
  • "Flash Fiction," Fiction Blog, June 2011
  • "Novella," Small Press, June 2011 
  • “Poem 4,” "Poem 5," “Poem 6,” Prize Poem Anthology, Big Organization, May 2011 
  • “Micro Fiction,” Well-Known Blog, March 2011
  • “Creative Nonfiction Short,” Prize Winning Anthology, Credible Institution 2010


  • Daily Planet – “Nonfiction Article” - photos and text – 2013


  • Gator Talk – January 2012 to present (monthly column).

Online Credits

  • My Blog – More than 350 posts - 2010 to present.
  • So an So Magazine  - "Great Article" – January 2013.

 Writing Awards/Honors/Activities/Affiliations

  • 1st place for form poetry in the National Writing Contest, 2010
  • 1st place for creative nonfiction story in Credible Institution Award, 2010
  • 2nd place in Memoriam Name Award, State Poetry Society annual contest, 2010
  • Winner of Sunburst Award, September 2010 
  • member, National Poetry Organization, 2009-present
  • President, Local Writers Critique Group, 2009-present
  • Officer, Genre Fiction Club of State, 2007-present
  • Served as a judge for Such and Such Contest, 2011
  • Key Note Speaker at Nice Folks Writing Conference, 2010

 Interviews/Speaking Engagements
  • Writers Group – Lake Charles, LA – “Power of Research and the Interview” – February 2013.
  • Writers Group- Beaumont, TX – “Social Media’s Impact” – December 2012.


  • Professional horse racer, 2000-2009 (if project uncovers scandalous truth of racing)
  • Master Plumber Certification, Accreditation Agency, 1998-present (writes about pipes)

 Author’s Platform/Social Media Presence

  • Over 5,000 loyal blog subscribers at (i.e., Nathan Bransford)
  • Twitter following of well over 30,000 (Don’t even think of using this unless it’s HUGE)

 Conferences Attended:
  • Bayou Writers Group – 2010, 2011, 2012
  • Jambalaya Writers Jubilee – 2012, 2013

Personal References Available Upon Request
Is your resume posted online? Leave a link below if you don't mind sharing with those still learning to make one.


  1. Most informative, thanks for sharing,


  2. Great information! Thanks for visiting my blog, too :)

  3. This is great information.

  4. I had actually never thought of doing that. Very helpful, thanks for the example

  5. Lots of helpful hints on your website. I'll stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by wittbits

  6. Interesting! What agents or publishers have asked you for a resume of this stripe before? I think I recall one magazine wanting something like this.

    John at The Bathroom Monologues

  7. I hadn't thought of posting my resume on my blog before. Thanks for sharing. Mine would be painfully short... Guess I should work on that. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  8. Huh, never thought of that before. I'm not at the point, yet, where I would need a resume, but it's something to keep in mind for the hopeful future :)

  9. Great idea!

    But I only write for my blog-readers these days. I don't think I need a resume to do that. Or have I missed something?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  10. Thanks for these wonderful tips and template Sylvia.
    May come handy to me
    Good day !

  11. Great information! I'm glad I stopped by - and will start fiddling... Thanks!

  12. I don't have a problem updating my resume for my database development job, but I've always been puzzled at how one creates a writing resume. Your example is fantastic, thanks so much for sharing!
    Find me:
    Twitter: @AllysonLindt

  13. My resume is on Linkedin. However it is not like yours. It is on a format that was designed by Linkedin. Also I did not mention the fact that I had self published a book on Lulu.

  14. Interestingidea. I'll just share a titbit of information here, as recently I have come across a few Americans not understanding the 'European English' term for 'resumé': we call it a 'C.V' which stands for Curriculum Vitae. This appears in my novel, so handy to have more people 'getting it'!!

  15. I never thought about having a writing resume before--good tip!

  16. That's brilliant! I had never thought of posting my resume on my blog! BRILLIANT!!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine

  17. This is honestly one of the most useful posts I've read in this blogging challenge. Thanks! I'll bookmark this!

  18. Such a great idea. I never thought to have a resume on my website.

  19. Very useful idea. It will be so much easier to keep it current than having to go back later and try to remember everything. Thanks for the great tip.

  20. Visiting from the A-Z challenge. Love this. Would never have thought to have a writing resume or how do one when I needed it.

  21. I think saving one extra resume is very important as well. You don't know when you'll need it and when opportunity strikes. This is really a good format and I've been talking to resume writing Edmonton services to help me with my resume and job application.

  22. I keep thinking that I ought to get in gear and make myself a writing CV. Trouble is, I'm not quite at the point where I FEEL enough like a proper writer!

  23. After finishing the educational journey proper as well as perfect resume is the ideal situation to all. in order to find out the productive along with professional action plan in promotional manner each step is the ideal situation to make the move promising in every possible manner. We can get the best essay writing services online.
