
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Ready, Set, Write...

November is National Novel Writing Month:  The goal is to begin with an idea on November 1 and finish a 50,000 word novel by midnight November 30. Obviously, the manuscript won't be error free on December 1, but your complete story line will be set down.

I know several of you have accepted this challenge and I look forward to reading your work. This will be my third year to participate. (I didn’t finish the previous two due to hospital stays – keeping my fingers crossed this doesn’t happen again!) I have my idea ready. You will be my accountability partners in seeing where it leads. Hopefully, this won't land in the dust pile with all of my other unfinished or unsubmitted works. I'm simultaneously trying to meet a few other deadlines.

Best of luck to everyone in their writing endeavors!

Will you be participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Have you in the past?


  1. I'm not NaNo'ing this year, but I'll be plotting a couple WIPs I plan to start in 2013. And, of course, I'll be sending encouragement to everyone who's onboard for NaNo! Good luck.

  2. I'm in this year. Good luck to you too! :) Geez- hopefully there will be no hospital visits this year!

  3. I'm wishing you a productive NaNo effort and hoping there'll be no more hospital stays for you.
    Have a Happy Halloween! :-)

  4. Good luck with NaNo! I'm doing NaNo too this year for the first time.

  5. This will be my third year participating as well, but the past two years I failed miserably. If I have my fellow blogger-writers to keep me in check, then I will hopefully be able to make it to 50K this year. :)

  6. This is quite a goal, a novel in thirty days. With your inspiring ways I'm sure many will achieve it.
    Good luck to all.

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