
Monday, October 15, 2012

Blogoversary Celebration!

Friday is my two year blogging anniversary. I launched Writing In Wonderland as a way of motivating myself to devote more time to my craft. I already read voraciously, but my writing practices were sporadic at best.
Yet, my greatest "gift" from blogging so far has been the overwhelmingly positive feedback and enthusiastic support from fellow bloggers. You’ve read my thoughts, asked advice, and shared your own learning experiences.
Thank you to all who have encouraged me by leaving comments and following. I’ve had so much fun. It’s always a pleasure discussing and sharing with you all.

To celebrate, I’m giving away up to $25 in books to TWO winners. They can be in any format (hardcover, paperback, e-book, audiobook) from any retailer (Amazon, B&N etc.) and the winners may reside anywhere (not limited to US residents).
I will also give away TWO 1,000 word critiques of any work (resume’, poetry, essay, short story, manuscript, etc.)
To enter you must:
1.      Be a follower.
2.      Leave a comment telling me which prize you would like.
3.      Check back on Friday to see who won!
Again, thank you all for the support. Good luck!


  1. Congrats on reaching a milestone!

    I'm already a follower, but if you include us, a book or a short story crit (from you?) would suit me.

    Nice contest offerings.

  2. Happy anniverserary! Though I should probably wait until Friday, but then, I might forget. :)

    You're a GREAT blogger!

  3. Happy Blog anniversary!! Congratulations!
    Your tips help me improve my writing, thanks.

  4. Congratulations Sylvia! I'll take a whack at the $25 gift card.

  5. Happy blogoversary! Yay! I'd be interested in a gift card to get more books. (Can't have enough of them!) Thanks for hosting your giveaway.

  6. Cool idea, Sylvia. Way to go on the blog. I'm always up for a chance to win a gift card for books!

    Congrats on your success!

  7. I'm a follower already. Congrats on your blogoversary. I would go for the critique.

  8. I would love to win either the critique or the books!

  9. Me too, I would love the chance at either one. Thanks for always doing cool stuff like this!

  10. Happy 2 year blogoversary (a bit early)! That's awesome. I've only been blogging for about 7 months so I still have a ways to go and lots to learn. Congratulations, and wishing you many more to come!

  11. Congratulations on two years of blogging! (I've been at it for a bit longer, but, being a Bear, I cannot remember how long.)

    Books? Did you say your were giving away money to buy books? Oh, yes, please. I love books. Such stimulating stories. And, no, I don't eat them. I digest them in other ways — mentally, in fact.

    Blessings and Bear hugs on your blogoversary!

  12. Congrats! You have a huge following for only blogging two years. That's wonderful! I'd love a critique, but am still working on the manuscript for a Christmas project book. It's it pieces...does that count? Talking w/ you would be great!

  13. Happy Blogoversary!!
    The GFC widget wasn't working for me, but I followerd via Google+ and twitter if that's okay. I would like to win a giftcard. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Thanks for stopping by my post. I'm so glad you did-- I'm glad to have discovered your site. Congratulations on two years of building a great blog.

  15. Sorry I'm late, Sylvia. I actually had to switch from Firefox to Safari so I could join your site. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I would love to buy more books. Thanks for the opportunity.

  16. I'd like to win some books, but I could always use a fresh pair of eyes on my WIP as well.

  17. Congrats!! If i were a winner, i would love to get a critique!!!
