
Thursday, July 21, 2011

1st Adult Book Blogfest

Heroines with Hearts is hosting the "1st Adult Book Read" blogfest on July 24/25.

All you have to do for this blogfest is fess up on the first adult book you picked up and read: whether a classic, a racy novel or that of unusual content, then post your entry to your blog July 24th/25th.
If you're interested in joining in the fun, please click the "Heroines with Hearts" link above.
If you're interested in giving and receiving freebies, please check out the "Wonderland Giveaway Blogfest". You can click on the button in the sidebar. Happy Writing!


  1. Sounds like a fun blogfest. Does that mean the first adult book ever? Because that was a loooonggg time ago for me. There is no way I would remember that.

  2. Susan - I think you can get away with the first one you remember, ;-)

  3. First adult book I can remember? Will Durant's The Story of Philosophy.
    Somehow, though, I think this blogfest has to do with fiction, as opposed to non-fiction. Bear reads so little fiction that he can't remember the first, or last.

  4. This sounds like a fun one, though I can't remember for the life of me what my first adult book is. I do remember the one that made an impression however...The Outlander Series. I have never looked at a man in a kilt the same after them:)

  5. hi sylvia!sounds fun! i might join except i can't remember my first adult book.

    thanks for stopping by our blog and following :)

    Michelle& Leslie's Book Picks

  6. The Story of O was my first adult book. Now it would be called erotic. Back then it was way beyond naughty.

  7. My first one was pretty tame compared to some others, but it did lead to a lifelong interest.

  8. I read "The Thorn Birds" when I was in junior high. Fairly tame for today's standards, but very impressionable for a 14 year old!
