
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Writing the Stress Away

I am sitting on the couch; cuddled up with my youngest while my oldest is at Mother’s Day Out. We are recovering from a girls get away and the inevitable “catch up” period of returning home from vacation. My mother, daughters and I recently returned from a trip to Dallas to find all sorts of problems. It’s strange how so many things can go wrong while you’re out of town.

I spent all day yesterday trying to get things back in order. Today is my spa or therapy day.  I write and blog for fun. I know if I start visiting blogs and typing comments or random thoughts, the words will flow. This is the miraculous process of writing, and why it can be so therapeutic.

It's amazing the freedom one can feel when they find a way to express themselves. Some people draw, play the piano, crochet, etc., to relieve their stress. Writing is my creative outlet. When I write, I am happy.  I can create entire worlds and creatures for the entertainment of my children, I can have the insurance agent die from a car bomb (see how I deal with annoying characters from real life? ;-) and I can give my characters the happily ever after we all secretly want.

I know what my gifts or talents are in life. I’m still developing mine and it can be a great escape or relief from the stress of daily life. I write for myself first. I hope you do as well.
If you are interested in sharing your own stressful tales, Chicken Soup for the Soul has a call out for a new book. Say Goodbye to Stress! - Everyone feels stressed out at some point in their lives. Many people have trouble getting their stress under control and are looking for help. They're seeking stories about people who have felt or feel stressed out, found a way to resolve their stress, learned to rethink their stress, improved their lives by handling stress, etc. Your stories will provide the inspiration and comfort to those who are stressed out. The deadline date for story submissions is August 7, 2011.
I’m sorry if I haven’t made it around to your blog in a while, posted your interview or guest blog yet. I promise to get to it as soon as possible. Happy Writing!


  1. This is interesting and helpful. I didn't really look at writing this way before, but it is so true.

  2. I feel the same way. I first realized I felt this way about writing several years ago, when I found myself divorced with an infant and a five-year-old - also full custody, virtually no visitation from the ex, a very demanding full-time job, and minimal support from extended family. I wrote my way through it - I found the comedy in it and made other people laugh.

  3. I love that sign - I want one for my back yard ;-)

  4. Thought provoking essay. Stress, or distress, can tie up a person. You have to love yourself and write what YOU yourself want to write. I have seen country songs become very popular because the singer wrote the song which was about an experience he/she had.
    Keeping a journal is a good idea, giving you a chance to reflect and de-stress.
    When things get bad, you know it will eventually pass; take joy in that when stress is seemingly overwhelming.

  5. Sigh - I wish I knew the secret to no stress. If I have concerns or problems then the writing-bug just disappears. Maybe I'll force myself to write next time I'm worried and see what happens. Great post.

  6. A very apt choice for Chicken Soup's next book.

  7. I'd love to have a copy of that sign. Then I'd be in a stress-free place. So unlike my current state.

    Like you, though, I blog for relaxation.

  8. Yes, I do write first for myself. Writing and reading are my "escapes." I feel for those folks who do not have or have yet to discover an outlet.

  9. Stress can kill the creative mind so learning to deal with it is essential.
    N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

  10. Oh, so u started visiting blogs again and commenting..thank u

  11. I need one of those signs in my office to remind me to have fun.

  12. Great sign. Glad you got away with the girls. That call for Chicken Soup is intriguing.

  13. At times I worry that I share too much about myself on my blog because of this same thing. My blog has become the journal I never could keep as a child and young adult because I got too embarrassed to read about myself and yet on a blog it feels like the most natural things. Thanks for the heads up on the "Soup" things, I'm looking for solutions as you may have gathered today.

  14. Hi Sylvia~
    What a great blog you have here! Links for submission calls are a great gifts to writers. Thanks for being a valuable and supporting part of the writing community.
