
Friday, June 10, 2011

Rejection Infection

It's easy to feel down and give up when you don't meet your goals. Your self-esteem suffers when you receive rejection after rejection. I call this the rejection infection. I've seen too many talented individuals give up. Will you?

 "Self-esteem does not mean feeling good all the time. Self-esteem means loving yourself even when you feel badly…even when you make a mistake. It means loving yourself even when you’re depressed. It means that you accept yourself fully.” – Jack Canfield

Keep fighting for your dreams. I hope you all have a safe, happy and fulfilling weekend. Happy Writing!


  1. Happy writing to you, too!

    Great pic. :)

  2. Very inspirational! Everyone has those down days, working through them is what matters.

  3. Great advice! Very important to remember. Happy Writing!

  4. Thanks for posting this...I am kind of going through this right now but I know my story is good and to just keep trucking along!

  5. Great quote and advice. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Love the picture with the cat and the lion. Great advice today.

  7. Thanks for the reminder Sylvia.

    Congrats on your chicken soup for the preteen soul story!

    My wife recently wrote you concerning the June 18th blog post. Did you get the email? Please contact her at dancekam1(at)yahoo(dot) to confirm. She needs to advertise the schedule.

    God bless,

  8. Great words, and it's always nice to have the reminders!!!!

    Thanks for this. You have a great weekend, as well.

  9. The picture you selected is one of my favorites! Too often we see our disappointments reflected back to us when we should be looking at reasons for hope.

  10. I love the picture of kitten as Lion!

    And I haven't given up writing; it is the one things that keeps me going. I hope no one else gives up. Telling our stories is important for all of us.

  11. Thanks for the boost. That's a great way of looking at it :O)

  12. Hey Sylvia! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your kind words are so encouraging. Great post and so true! I love the pic you chose to accompany it.
    After file cabinets full of rejection letters, I gave up my dream of illustrating for about 15 years. When my daughter graduated art school, she urged me to start pursuing my dreams again. She suggested taking some computer art classes to get caught up with technology. It is true. I had the rejection infection, but my dreams never died. At 50 years old I finally illustrated my first book and now I have done 12! It’s never too late, and as you said Sylvia...don’t let rejections affect you self-esteem and keep fighting for your dreams!

  13. I never thought of self-esteem this way. I love this definition (and that picture).
