
Monday, March 14, 2011

Followers, Prizes and Contacts

Last week and this one signal Spring Break for different family and friends so I’m enjoying as much time as possible with them as they come into town from work and school. A near constant flow of people in and out of the house makes it difficult to find much writing time, but I’m having a blast and I’ll get back into a rhythm next week.
Consequently, I just noticed I’m up to 99 followers! I am truly flattered whenever anyone chooses to follow my blog, so I wanted to do something extra for you. I’m already offering the critique contest (see previous post). On Thursday when I announce those winners, if I have 100 followers, I will also give away one copy of The Hundred Dresses a children’s book by Eleanor Estes.
If you are interested in winning the book, all you have to do is add yourself as a follower if you are not already and leave a comment below.
I will also be posting interviews on my blog. If you are interested in appearing in one of those interviews or if you have a question you want answered or a topic you want to see covered, you can contact me on facebook, twitter or email me at
I hope you all enjoy a wonderful start to spring. Happy writing!


  1. The Hundred Dresses looks great!

  2. That looks like a beautiful book! Congrats on all the followers!

  3. I love that story, Sylvia. I see you're at 100 now... congrats! Can you send some over my way now?


  4. I would love to win a copy of this book. I've been following you for a while, but just added as an official follower. Great blog!

  5. Whoo hoo! You passed 100! Congrats!
