
Monday, February 7, 2011

“Celebrating the Love” Giveaway

I’ve never posted more than once in a day before, but I wanted to tell you about a giveaway I’m hosting. Valentine’s Day is in a week and I want to celebrate the love we’ve all shared for blogging, reading and writing.
For every 33 (because that’s how old I am) followers on this blog, I’ll give away a prize. Ex. 33 followers = one prize, 66 followers = two prizes, 99 followers = three prizes and so on.  To win:
1.)    Add yourself as a follower if you are not already = one entry.
2.)    Leave a comment telling me which of the prizes listed below you are interested in winning = one entry
3.)    Post an announcement/link to this giveaway on your webpage, blog, twitter, facebook etc. and leave me a link in the comments below = one entry for EACH announcement/link.
4.)    Add a second announcement/link to my “Space Tales” Contest (see the sidebar) on your webpage, blog, twitter, facebook etc. and leave me a link in the comments below = one entry for EACH announcement/link.
5.)    Check back on Valentine’s Day to see if you’ve won!
Isn’t that easy? Good luck!

Possible prizes:
1.)     $25 Amazon Gift Card
2.)      Hardback John Grisham

3.)      Hardback Virginia Woolf

4.)     Hardback Michael Crichton

5.)     Hardback Jude Deveraux

6.)      Hardback Jacki Lyden

7.)     Hardback James Patterson


  1. Hi Sylvia :) Looks like I joined your blog as a follower at a great time! I'm feeling lucky~~ hahahaha Well, you are offering some really nice prizes. If I should be so lucky and win, I'd love the Amazon gift card.

    I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts, Sylvia!
    ~ Noelle

  2. Hi Sylvia,
    thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi:) Love meeting other writers. I love contests too! I'm a follower:)

  3. Just joined. Great contest. That amazon gift card sure would come in handy :)

    New follower...

  4. Hey there! Just joined as a follower! Number 1 would be a great prize!

  5. I'd also like the gift card! Great blog.

  6. It's nice to meet you.
    I'm a new follower. I'm about to go tweet the contest too :)

  7. I also just tweet about your space tales contest too. You can find both links here:

  8. I'd love to win John Gresham's The Broker. Really like your blog.
    Georgia D

  9. Finally, I'm able to leave a comment. I'll take Gresham or Patterson--either one. :)

    I guess you were right--just a glitch in the system.

  10. Well I'm already a follower but... If I were to win, I'd go for Virginia Woolf. Also I tweeted your blog. The link is below! Thanks for stopping by "The Why!"!/bittyfitz

  11. Hi there. *waves* Newest follower here, and fellow writer. Nice to 'meet' you. :)

    I'd love #1 (GC), but would put the Woolf as close 2nd choice.

    Fun contest.

  12. What a fun way to celebrate Valentine's Day! Here's my 411:

    Follower = +1
    I'm a huge Michael Crichton fan, so his book would be my #1 choice (though I'd be happy with any!) = +1
    Sidebar Link-Love (One Significant Moment at a Time = +1
    Twitter Shoutout (@NicoleDwrites) = +1

    Total entry points = +4


  13. A new Maximum Ride! Cool!
    Follower and Twitter Shout @slverant

  14. The Amazon Gift Card would be awesome. Other than that, the hardback Michael Crichton or Jude Devereaux would be wonderful. I also posted to my twitter account @sherrycahill
