
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last Chance for 2010 Submissions

All of these writing opportunities have a December 2010 deadline:

The Words Are The Same
Write a poem that uses the words listed in the contest announcement. Cash prize for the winner. Deadline: December 13th

Picked Apart...And Rightly So!
This is a topic based contest. Write a poem based on the topic provided in the announcement. Deadline: Dec 15th

A new online journal looking for provocative and exciting poetry from emerging writers. Themes vary month-to-month. Prize is $25 USD. Deadline is by the 15th of each month.
Notification of winner is the 25th of each month. Submit no more than (5) poems. Poets from all over are welcome to submit. Look at the current contest tab, the future contests
tab and the submission guidelines tab. December's Theme:
Bertrand Russell wrote, "Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth -- more than ruin -- more even than death.... Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid."
What do you fear? New things? Ideas? Doing things outside of your normal, everyday routines? December's theme touches on thought, fear, the everyday normal and/or revolutions.  Deadline is December 15th.

Poem of the Month
Each month one poem is selected to be the Poem of the Month. A public vote determines the winner. All poems posted during the month are automatically considered. Deadline: Dec 16th.

An Anonymous Christmas Gift
Choose a random act of kindness and inspire the Fanstory Community.
This is a non-fiction category. Please give with your heart and generousity. Give or
do something that you can afford and change the life of someone, for a moment or forever.
Deadline: Dec 19th
In my world...
This contest challenged writers to start a fictional story with a specific sentence. View the announcement and create a story that uses this sentence. Deadline: Dec 20th

Hook your readers in the first few lines. Your hook, or opener, sets up the tale and pulls your readers in. TaleBait's Get Hooked Write Away Contest challenges you to write a hook, 100 word maximum, that will get readers reading and writers writing. Sharpen your craft and increase your creativity. Winners receive a critique of 30 pages by a literary agent or a publisher/editor! You may submit pages of your manuscript for professional review. Skipper will critique the winning hooks. Deadline December 20, 2010.
1st place - $25, first choice of critique,
and byline on a new story in Hooks & Storylines
2nd place -$15, second choice of critique, and
byline on a new story in Hooks & Storylines
3rd place - $10, critique, and byline on a new
story in Hooks & Storylines
A Snowstorm On Christmas Eve
This is a topic based contest. Write a poem based on the topic provided in the announcement. Deadline: Dec 21st
Acrostic Poetry
Write an acrostic poem. An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word. View an example in the announcement. This is a contest for poets with a cash prize. Deadline: Dec 22nd
Writing Off the Page in 1965
This is a topic based contest. Write a story based on the topic provided in the announcement. Deadline: Dec 24th
Reference Letter
Write a reference letter for an employee. But there is a twist.
Deadline: Dec 24th
Christmas Poetry
For our holiday poetry contest we are looking for poems that somehow capture the experiences of this time of the year. Cash prize for the winner of this contest for poets. Deadline: Dec 25th
Christmas Story
For our holiday story contest we are looking for stories that are holiday oriented. Creative approaches are welcomed. Cash prize for the winner of this writing contest.
Deadline: Dec 25th
Book of the Month
Each month one book chapter is selected to be the Book of the Month. A public vote determines the winner. All books posted during the month are automatically considered for this contest. Deadline: Dec 26th
An animal's point of view
This is a topic based contest. Write a story based on the topic provided in the announcement. Deadline: Dec 30th
Ode to a Muslim
This is a contest in which one writes an ode praising someone in early Islamic history. Deadline: Dec 31st
For this contest you are challenged to write a Naani poem. Naani is a form of poetry with a specific syllable count. See the announcement for an example. Cash prize for the winner of this poetry contest. Deadline: Dec 31st

Chicken Soup for the Soul Submissions due December 31, 2010:
Mothers and Daughters, Teens, Young at Heart

Pill Hill Press is a small, independent publisher based in Nebraska. They have anthology call outs for romantic suspense short stories, The ePocalypse, How the West was Wicked, and some extreme horror as well as others. Stories are to be between 1500 and 15,000 words. They prefer stories in the 4000 to 6000 word range; any setting, any time period. Deadline December 31, 2010.


  1. Thanks for sharing these writing opportunities, Sylvia! Have you entered any of these contests?


  2. Laurie, you are most welcome. I would love to see some of your poetry published in one of these contests.

    I submitted one piece to "Chicken Soup" and am considering some of the other opportunities. However, I hate shelling out entry fees (even one dollar) so I'm not sure how many I will submit. I really like the "No Entry Fee" opportunities. Good luck!
