
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

22 Pet Publications Open for Submission

To the left is a picture of the baby I lost a year ago in May. This dachshund was named Dulcinea - Dulci for short. Bonus points if you get the literary reference.

We recently adopted a new Dachshund baby (below) and my girls decided to name her Bella. You don't get as many Bonus points if you get the literary reference for this one.

Curious what type of pets writers prefer? I did a little research and found many of them have loved cats, dogs, and other usual household pets. However, just as many of them have preferred unusual, or endangered, ones including ravens and peacocks.

To find out what pets make the best partners for writers, or to peruse photographs of famous duos, try one of the six articles below :

The Best Pet for a Writers Health and Well-being
Adorable Pictures of Famous Writers and Their Pets

Literary Pets

Writers and Their Pets

Literary Figures and Their Wild Pets

Authors and Their Pets - Pinterest Photos

Do you want to write about your pets? Check out these 22 opportunities:

Dog Writers Association of America - 

Life Lessons from your Cat or Dog - 

Simply Pets Lifestyle -

Wide Open -

18 more pet publications -

What type of pets do you have? What name did you pick and why? Did you figure out the literary references for my dogs names?


  1. I live in the country and technically my ten dogs are working dogs. I am suddenly a cat owner. I was brought out of retirement by a tiny black kitten that was checking out my compost scatter. I offered her a bit of dog food. She was suspicious. It was that courtship you can have with a cat.

    In short, she produced a litter of kittens when she was probably only about 7 months old. I kept the kittens. I suspect her sister is the guest cat on my back porch who has four kittens. I got the first batch spayed and neutered. Hopefully, I will get the back door cats taken care of too.

    I know there is a colony of feral cats in the overgrown field in front of my house. I hope to get it under control. I know the resident coyotes will trim the numbers.
