
Thursday, January 16, 2020

2020 Conferences, Workshops, and Literary Festivals

While this list mostly focuses on Texas and Louisiana (where I am) there are some others listed here for you. Please let me know if you would like to recommend any others to be added to the list.

1/18"Serious Writers, Inc." is sponsoring a one-day Writers Boot Camp in Tampa, Florida . You can learn more at

2/15 - Southwest Louisiana Book Festival -

3/5-7"Serious Writers, Inc." will be at the North Carolina Christian Writers Conference. You can learn more at

3/14 - Jambalaya Writers Conference -

3/13-22 - SXSW Film and writers festival in Austin -

3/25-29 - New Orleans Literary Festival -

3/28 - Unconfirmed, so check back: Galveston Island Book Festival -

4/25 - Wimberley Book Festival -

5/2-3 - Austin Writer's and Illustrators Conference -

5/30 - Lone Star Book Festival of Seguin, Texas -

6/13-14 - Dallas Writer's Conference -

6/17-20 "Serious Writers, Inc." will be at the Write-to-Publish Conference in Wheaton, Illinois. You can learn more at

6/26-28 - Austin Agents and Editors Conference -

7/10-12"Serious Writers, Inc." will be at the Windsor International Writers Conference in Windsor, Ontarion. You can learn more at

9/12-13 - Unconfirmed so check back - Houston Writer's Guild Conference -

10/15-18 - World Mystery Convention will be held in Sacramento, California -

10/24 - Unconfirmed, so check back - Louisiana: Bayou Writers Group Conference

10/22-29 - Austin Film Festival -

11/7-8 - Austin Book Festival -

11/14-15 - Unconfirmed, so check back: New Orleans Book Festival -

Please feel free to comment with any you would like to see added to this list - even if it's not happening in the USA.  You never know when an opportunity will arise. Right? :-)


  1. Thanks for the list! I'll make sure we have those all at the IWSG site.

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