
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

IWSG: 8 Ways to Annoy Literary Agents

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs. You can also join us on twitter using the hashtag #IWSG, or on the Facebook page

In the spirit of fun, and a little facetiousness, here are eight tips on how to annoy a literary agent. Please remember NOT to do any of the following:

8) Clichés work – they are over used for a reason. So, think outside the box and use them liberally.

7) Description and backstory – the more, the better. You’re going for length here. How else can you make the 100,000 word mark?

6) Expect details – Explain that you expect a detailed critique. After all, since you took the time to write it, the least they can do is provide detailed feedback.

5) One is enough – You’ve completed one manuscript, and that’s enough. You shouldn’t be expected to write anything else.

4) Deadline Defiant – They’ll get it when they get it. Your work is worth the wait.

3) Burn Bridges – If you’re not happy with an agent, be sure to bad-mouth them on all of your social media!

2) Continually check in – Agents love frequent check-ins. Be sure to phone, email, and fax them several times a day. Showing up at their office without an appointment is a definite plus!

1) Don’t do your research – It doesn’t matter what they say they represent. You can send them any genre. Surely a Christian agent will love reading your zombie romance!
Did I leave out any good tips? ;-)   I hope your own projects are going well, and meet with much success. HAPPY WRITING!


  1. Oooh, I'll be sure to remember to do all these. Thanks, Sylvia! ;)

  2. Great tips! And funny too!

    I have to point out an error, though. There should be no apostrophe in clichés.

  3. I've never heard of this. Maybe I'll try to write a post for it at some point. Thanks for posting!

  4. So, I'm going through the IWSG, as I should have been doing for the past two months. It's been enjoyable (**REALLY**) enjoyable, actually. And then I stumbled across this post.

    Yeah, that'll work. Actually it works for all relationships, business or not.

    Thanks for the continuing chuckle.

  5. So, I'm going through the IWSG, as I should have been doing for the past two months. It's been enjoyable (**REALLY**) enjoyable, actually. And then I stumbled across this post.

    Yeah, that'll work. Actually it works for all relationships, business or not.

    Thanks for the continuing chuckle.

  6. Awesome. I just could not stop laughing :)

  7. Really? These annoy an agent? I would have never known ;)

  8. Lol, brilliant. I shall remember to do each and every one of these when I query next week ;-)
