
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Todays Seuss-ism comes from On Beyond Zebra!

So you see!
There's no end
To the things you might know,
Depending how far beyond Zebra you go!

My purpose in sharing Seuss-isms with you this month was not to preach to you on how to live, but to encourage you to never give up on life in general, or yourself in specific. I hope you've enjoyed this journey as much as I have!

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities." - Dr. Seuss


  1. Congratulations on completing the challenge, this was wonderful as all other 25.


  2. I have really liked all of your posts this month. Thanks for doing it.

  3. I love nonsense too! I'm going back through all of your challenge posts because I do love me some Dr. Seuss! One of the teachers at my school has Seuss as her theme. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!

  4. Great job! I haven't gone back to the very beginning, but have loved the posts I've read - working on my Z post now! Congrats on completing the A-Z challenge!

  5. the problem is we are always busy making sense of things which necessarily are nonsense. enjoyed your posts

  6. I have soooo enjoyed your posts. Dr Seuss is amazing and has great life lessons. Its cute and fun but yet still has a story. Brilliant theme!! It was so nice meeting you through this challenge as well.

  7. Enjoyed your posts, congrats on finishing. Look forward to seeing you after the challenge as well.

    Sandy at Bridge and Beyond

  8. With Dr Seuss in your life everything seems brighter :) Some wonderful posts this challenge which have lifted my spirits. My last post is also up now so thanks as ever - Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  9. Congratulations on completing the A-Z! I've really enjoyed your posts this month :)

    Fee | Wee White Hoose
    Scottish Mythology and Folklore A-Z

  10. That's a great quote from Dr. Seuss! Life needs a little fantasy and it's good to look at things from a different perspective. Congrats on finishing the challenge!

  11. Jumping back thru to fellow bloggers who visited me. Would be a dull library shelf without Dr.Seuss!

  12. I have enjoyed, because I have learned about a whole lot of Dr. Seuss books I had never read. Thank you! Thank you!

  13. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge - where I am part of Arlee's A to Z Ambassador Team.
    I celebrated our "Z-day" by watching the iZombie television show.
    Hope to see you at the after party. I'm looking forward to when the Reflections Linky List opens on Monday, May 4th.
    I've followed your listed social media.
    Fantastic! Everyone needs a dose of the good doctor! :)
    -J @JLenniDorner

  14. i like the last line - I too love to fantasize over some things in life. Somehow while it digress us from the realities in life it also allows us to wander and explore the possibilities of things which we may find ourselves wishing to have or do. Then as the fantasy becomes more attractive we are drawn to making it happen in real life. In that way, fantasy helps me live life better.

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