
Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Todays Seuss-ism can be found in Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? The good doctor reminds us to be grateful for what we are, and what we have, even when they don't seem enough.

When you think things are bad,
when you feel sour and blue,
when you start to get mad...
you should do what I do!
Just tell yourself, Duckie,
you're really quite lucky!
Some people are much more...
oh, ever so much more...
oh, muchly much-much more
unlucky than you!


  1. What a great post. Fabulous words of wisdom that are always relevant.

  2. Your Seuss-isms are wonderful. Dr. Seuss really knew hoe to nail it!

  3. That's a good quote. I just read this book to my kids a few weeks ago.

  4. Grateful was my word too. Its nowhere near as fun as yours though. I absolutely love this theme. Dr Seuss just never gets old.

  5. Leave it to Dr.Seuss to give us this little pearl of wisdom!

  6. I wake up every day knowing how lucky I am. Retired, happily married, halfway healthy, and so much more. Yes, there are many people much-much unluckier than I am.

  7. Love Dr. Seuss and the life lessons his books taught all of us! Stopping by from the A to Z Challenge and sharing some love!

  8. This is cute! Thanks for the link; I love how the a to z challenge brings us bloggers together.

  9. This is cute! Thanks for the link; I love how the a to z challenge brings us bloggers together.

  10. Interesting theme. Not heard of Dr. Suezz. But his words, though simple sounds very applicable..

    Life is just a bowl of cherries
